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    matejB reacted to T0biasCZe in ShEdit - edit.lua, but with syntax highlighting   
    Hi how to disable Finding? On czech keyboard, [] and {} is wroten with Alt + BN and Alt FG, and with shedit it triggers search. On the normal edit, you could remove the key binding in /etc/edit.cfg
  2. Like
    matejB reacted to Izaya in Minitel   
    Minitel is a simple, efficient networking protocol implementing layers 3, 4 and 5 of the OSI model. It supports automatic configuration and routing over large and small networks.
    Currently supported platforms include OpenOS, KittenOS NEO (via this package), and embedded devices.
    Features include:
    Flood routing with route caching Reliable packet delivery Packet segmentation Ordered delivery Bidirectional, ordered, reliable streams Installation instructions and API documentation can be found in the Github repo, though they can be summarised as "oppm install minitel".
    Minitel and the net API Mail over Minitel FRequest in action
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    matejB reacted to Eunomiac in Colors: What Determines Colors I Code vs. Colors I Get?   
    Thanks, that fits with the results I get with my testing!  Here's a color table reference that I kinda... over-did (as is my way); it's indexed and includes the 240 main colors plus the 16 greys.  Definitely a good resource for anyone who wants to plan color schemes in an image editor before coding them in (feel free to add it to the wiki or wherever, if you like; I happily cede it to you in delayed payment for adding remote component access to the debug card):

    Yes, if you change the color palette, anything you've drawn in that color will change to the new color.  (It's actually a pretty useful feature; you can create a bunch of 16-color "themes" and switch between them with a single setPalette, changing the colors of everything on-screen.)
  4. Upvote
    matejB reacted to Juanan76 in [WIP] NetCoin, a fully working cryptocurrency made for OpenComputers   
    What's Netcoin? NetCoin is a cryptocurrency designed for OpenComputers, a Minecraft mod that adds computers in the game. It follows Bitcoin's original philosophy: a completely decentralized network of nodes, each one maintaining a ledger with everyone's transactions, grouped into blocks that miners need to create solving the proof-of-work (PoW). What's the crypto behind it? It uses Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) to sign transactions and SHA-256 as a PoW. Cryptographic functions are not implemented by software, but OpenComputers provides a component (Data Card) that provides an API to run these functions. That makes cryptography extremely efficient, since it runs directly on Java Code and not by the Lua VM. Protocol details? Block time? Transaction fees? Block time is about 5 minutes; this is a trade-off between transaction speed (who wants to wait 30 minutes for that NTC payment to be confirmed in order to receive those 3 diamonds?) and space (computers have a limited disk space, so blockchain shouldn't grow too fast). NetCoin is a deflationary currency, meaning that block rewards are cut in half every 5000 blocks. There will be a point where miner's only incentive will be transaction fees. This feature hasn't been implemented yet, but it is planned on the future. I want to run this crypto! Great! Use wget or pastebin command from OpenOS with an Internet Card to download the code into one of your computers. Once you have it, you can transfer it in-game via floppy disks to as many computers as wou want. You will need: - A Data Card for using cryptography - 3-4 raids full of Tier 3 Hard Drives (4MB) to store the blockchain - Minimum 4MB of RAM Run a node. It will automatically set up a wallet for you generating a public/private keypair. You will want to share your pubkey stored in wallet.pk, this is your official NetCoin address in which you will receive money. NEVER SHARE YOUR SECRET KEY STORED IN WALLET.SK! You will need to provide at least one node IP address (modem address) for it to connect to the network. It will automatically synchronize with the rest of the network: blocks, other nodes known... To be a miner, you need a node and enable "isMiner" variable. Then you need a mining controller computer connected to the node. Finally, you will connect all your mining computers to the controller, and use "mine" command on the node. You're mining now! Notes
    The full code can be found on https://github.com/Juanan7676/netcoin. This is a work in progress project, bugs and security issues are very common, use with caution!

  5. Upvote
    matejB reacted to BomberPlayz in PlotOS - What started as a small test, is now a big project!   
    What started as a small test, is now a big project!
    How it all started
    It all started by me being bored in 2019, and trying to make a small OS. I had been always amazed by MineOS, Fuchas, and all the other great OSes out there! At first, I have tried making something that can just boot. After half a hour, it booted! But, it didn't do anything, it just waited for events, and displayed them. Then, I decided that it wasn't enough for me! So, I started making an actual shell. I have decided to copy as little as possible from OpenOS, and make my own of almost everything! After the very primitive shell was done, I had forgot about the OS, for two years, until now! Since the last 2-3 weeks, me, and one of my friends have started working on it again. And that is when the GUI, double buffering, driver system, process system was born. And now, here I am publishing a really, really alpha version!
    Legend: Done In progress Todo Usable
    Process system
    Boot screen
    Image format
    GUI task manager
    Debug library
    Better kernel logging
    Serialization library

    Currently, there is no installer. But you can download the source from GitHub.
    (re-posted because last post didn't get approved for some reason.)
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