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Everything posted by augustas656

  1. cherbert, I believe you can create a function that does exactly what the /clone command does. I think it is very unlikely that it exists, but with the existing functions you can create a clone function. You can check for blocks in the area being cloned and the area where being cloned to, and set blocks, this is literally all you need to re-create /clone as a function. So if you wanted to literally clone an area and overwrite a different area with the clone you could loop through the x, y, z co-ordinates provided in the arguements and then get type of every block and store this block data in a
  2. With control over NBT data, read/write, it's already such a major step. This suggestion is like command blocks plus, because the commands in 1.8 and NBT data tags, command blocks and all those features are very useful for adventure map making and for me I find modding, plugin-making and adventure-map making equally fun. I'm relatively new to modding, and sometimes I get really annoyed because I can't find tutorials to what I'm looking for. If I knew how to make mod add-ons or atleast, if I understand correctly, even an easier way of modding that I can do to make addons for mods: OpenComputers,
  3. The debug card already is much more efficient than some of the commands you can do and command blocks. However, if added a lot more functions and features to edit the world anyway you want, this mod's debug card would surpass the power of command blocks. Features that would be amazing with debug: getOnlinePlayers() This functions exists both in component.debug and world objects, if done in world objects will return a list of all the online players in the world, if done from debug will return all online players in all worlds. getOfflinePlayers() This function exists both in component.debug
  4. When I try to do in lua interpreter: player = component.debug.getPlayer("augustas656") I get: stdin:1: attempt to call field 'getPlayer' (a nil value) stack traceback: kernel:137: in function 'getPlayer' stdin:1: in main chunk [C]: in function 'xpcall' kernel:132: in function 'xpcall' /bin/lua.lua:62: in main chunk (...tail calls...) And when I do: =component.debug I get: {address="3e678639-5c9a-4b98-bee6-7191cd1a1535", changeBuffer=function(value:number):number getWorld=function():userdata getX=function():number getY=function():number getZ=function
  5. Where do you get the getPlayer function from, I've done debug.getPlayer("name") and debug.world.getPlayer("name"), neither works? Regards augustas656
  6. Thanks! I've been waiting for a mod that literally allows you to do a lot of what you can do with the bukkit API when you are making plugins. It's like you aren't making mods, like new features, but you are using already existing resources without limit creating something, like for me, adventure map making. When this mod updates to 1.8, if that will be, if you were to add all the possible things you can do with command blocks into the computers and maybe more, this mod would be the ultimate adventure map-making mod. Adventure maps powered by OpenComputers. You would be able to use MCPC+ to run
  7. Hello Everyone! This is my very first post in these forums and I really like this mod. I've watched some tutorials in youtube about this mod, how to use it, how it works, blocks and components, etc. I am still confused, I usually work with ComputerCraft, it's a more simple mod, simple to work with, however this has more potential. So I'm going to ask some questions: When is autorun.lua initiated? I've made an autorun.lua with a installed OpenOS on my harddrive, when it ran, it printed Hello World! what I told it to do, but only after that it showed the box made of hashtags with informatio
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