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Posts posted by SuperSamir

  1. In NuclearCraft, the Fission Reactor component has a .getReactorLayout() function, which produces a table with statistics of every single block inside the reactor. The fission reactor I'm testing out is 24x24x24 (max size) and the function produces an entirely too massive table for the computer to handle. "Unrecoverable Error, Out of Memory." How do I shrink this table before it's contents are displayed and not crash the computer?

  2. I made this program in my single player SkyFactory 4 world and I thought I could share it here. I think it's a bit too big but I think it works. This is a program that allows you to check your NuclearCraft Fission Reactor stats and also has the ability to supply fuel to the reactor with the help of an ME System as well as having grid control for Mekanism's Induction Matrix. I'm not sure where to go with this program so if you have any suggestions, a comment would be greatly appreciated!


  3. I would like to create a text box that has a character limit of 2. I don't know how to make the input box not be cut by io.read() however, as you can type as many characters as you want.

  4. The method you have provided seems to work, which I thank you for. Please do tell me about this cursor library though, I can't seem to find it but it seems like a massive help for the thing I'm programming.

  5. I'm using event.listen("touch") to make wherever I touch to be where the cursor is. However, this only writes the cursor's state on the cursor, and leaves the cursor in the same place it was before. I would like the cursor to move where I click, and be able to write text from there, instead of just leaving the cursor state there.

  6. That's what I thought too, until I realized only the ME Interface and ME Controller can access the Common Network API. The ME Interface is currently bugged, so although the cable part will give the interface API, it will not give the Common Network API. The full block interface however cannot be used as a component as channels are disabled.

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