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  1. well that clears up a couple of things.. Thanks
  2. ok This is probably very simple, however i'm just missing something. I have 5 motions sensors. When one of them is tripped, i want to do something different, depending on the sensor... so i need to identify which one was tripped. I figure that the component address is the way to do that, but i am not getting an address from the signal... local component = require("component") local sensor = component.motion_sensor local event = require("event") print("Detecting...") while true do local _,_,x,y,z,name=event.pull("motion") print("Detected:",addre
  3. Sim

    Player Tracking

    Elektron72: Thank you, i did not see that the name was included in the data stream. that makes life even easier.
  4. Sim

    Player Tracking

    I want to build a player tracker for a labyrinth. The purpose to is minimize the ability of players to use waypoints to bypass all/most of the labyrinth.. require they actually walk it. I am new to OC, and want to be sure i'm thinking things correctly before i get totally lost. My idea is to have several motion sensors spread throughout the labyrinth. When a sensor is tripped, it sends a signal to the computer. The computer uses the debug card to find the location of every player on the server ( usually < 25). it uses that information to determine who was 'near' the tripped se
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