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Posts posted by Palagius

  1. 20 hours ago, duz_holger said:

    yes I do via some P2p tunels bus otherwise yes

    I misunderstood, and using the wrong words in my question made things worse not better.

    My setups always had an OC "Adapter" directly connected to my ME Controller.  As a consequence, at the very beginning of the script we are getting the component to proxy that communication.

    If your OC Adapter is connected to an ME Interface (rather than directly touching the controller) than at the beginning you need to have the component.proxy thing connect to an ME Interface rather than the controller.

    Having said that, I do not know if my script will work talking to the ME Interface, because I am not sure you can request crafting jobs to the ME Controller through an ME Interface.

    My suggestion is you retool your configuration to run an OpenComputers Cable from your computer to an OC Adapter directly touching your AE2 ME Controller.  That is what the script was written to accommodate and utilize.


  2. 4 hours ago, duz_holger said:

    hi have a small issue every time I populate the data base with any thing the program crashes what am I doing wrong I am using 1.7.10 and the right versions of the mods


    I keep forgetting to post my significantly-improved versions of this.  Sorry about that.

    My memory is that in 1.7.10 you actually cannot use the name-only item descriptor.  In your test example try using the item ID for sand rather than "minecraft:sand".  Does that make sense?  So using NEI / JEI / whatever look up sand, and if it is item ID 27 then just use that.  Might need to be (for example) minecraft:27 in that theoretical example. 

    But what is going on with that crash is there is no error checking when the script attempts to check how many items you have of the requested ID.  The call is returning nothing, and I did not have a sanity check in there for "item not found" which is breaking things.

    But when I did this in 1.7.10 long ago I think I had to use item IDs rather than names.

    Just now, Palagius said:

    I keep forgetting to post my significantly-improved versions of this.  Sorry about that.

    My memory is that in 1.7.10 you actually cannot use the name-only item descriptor.  In your test example try using the item ID for sand rather than "minecraft:sand".  Does that make sense?  So using NEI / JEI / whatever look up sand, and if it is item ID 27 then just use that.  Might need to be (for example) minecraft:27 in that theoretical example. 

    But what is going on with that crash is there is no error checking when the script attempts to check how many items you have of the requested ID.  The call is returning nothing, and I did not have a sanity check in there for "item not found" which is breaking things.

    But when I did this in 1.7.10 long ago I think I had to use item IDs rather than names.

    Actually, I just looked at an old version I used on The 1.7.10 Pack and it's still using the names.

    Do you have an OpenComputers interface directly attached to your ME controller?  

  3. On 10/1/2018 at 3:37 PM, IceG4merBR said:

    What is the damage and how i find it?

    In JEI when you mouse over an item it should be the number after the slash ( / ) at the top of the item frame.

    I realize I have not been a good citizen and keeping up with this.  I actually significantly improved this script in a 1.12.2 modpack and will post it when I have a chance.  I also actually pared things down with better functions--thought I did not fold in the changes Dalden made for tracking current crafting.  I shall try to pull that in as well and post the whole thing on Github.


  4. It is possible this was implemented elsewhere and I failed to notice it, but I did this as an exercise as exploring OpenComputers.  My son and I play The 1.7.10 Pack for our sandbox fun (in survival mode though), and I wanted to see if I could easily use OpenComputers to replace the typical-and-complex nest of level emitters and crafting cards to maintain minimum amounts of certain items in the AE2 ME network.

    This is not terribly sophisticated, and is just "fire-and-forget" with respects to requesting the crafting operations from the ME Network.  As I continue to dabble I may add in checking on the status of the requested jobs and bound the looping to when all requested jobs per loop-pass have been completed.

    Edited to include versions (Minecraft 1.7.10) and remove a couple of potentially confusing commented-out lines:

    • OpenComputers
    • AE2 rv3 beta6
    • Lots of other stuff outside the scope of this program

    Here is what I wrote:

    local component = require("component")
    local meController = component.proxy(component.me_controller.address)
    local gpu = component.gpu
    -- Each element of the array is "item", "damage", "number wanted", "max craft size"
    -- Damage value should be zero for base items
    items = {
        { "minecraft:iron_ingot",       0, 512, 32 },
        { "minecraft:gold_ingot",       0, 256, 32 },
        { "IC2:itemIngot",              0, 512, 32 }, -- Copper
        { "IC2:itemIngot",              1, 256, 32 }, -- Tin
        { "IC2:itemIngot",              2, 512, 32 }, -- Bronze
        { "IC2:itemIngot",              3, 256, 64 }, -- Refined Iron
        { "appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial",        8, 128, 32 }, -- Fluix Dust
        { "appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial",       10, 128, 32 }, -- Pure Certus
        { "appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial",       11, 128, 32 }, -- Pure Nether
        { "appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial",       12, 128, 32 }, -- Pure Fluix
        { "appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial",       22, 128, 32 }, -- Logic Processor
        { "appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial",       23, 128, 32 }, -- Calculation Processor
        { "appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial",       24, 128, 32 }, -- Engineering Processor
        { "appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial",       52, 32, 32 }, -- Blank Pattern
        { "appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiPart",       16, 128, 32 }, -- Glass Cable - Fluix
        { "appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiPart",       21, 64, 32 }, -- ME Covered Cable - Orange
        { "appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiPart",       22, 64, 32 }, -- ME Covered Cable - Magenta
        { "appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiPart",       24, 64, 32 }, -- ME Covered Cable - Yellow
        { "appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiPart",       25, 64, 32 }, -- ME Covered Cable - Lime
        { "appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiPart",       29, 64, 32 }, -- ME Covered Cable - Cyan
        { "appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiPart",       30, 64, 32 }, -- ME Covered Cable - Purple
        { "appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiPart",       31, 64, 32 }, -- ME Covered Cable - Blue
        { "appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiPart",       34, 64, 32 }, -- ME Covered Cable - Red
        { "appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiPart",       36, 64, 32 }, -- ME Covered Cable - Fluix
        { "appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiPart",      140, 64, 32 }, -- Quartz Fiber
        { "appliedenergistics2:tile.BlockQuartzGlass",     0, 64, 32 }, -- Quartz Glass
        { "minecraft:glass",      0, 512, 256 },
        { "minecraft:sand",       0, 512, 256 }
    loopDelay = 60 -- Seconds between runs
    while true do
        for curIdx = 1, #items do
            curName = items[curIdx][1]
            curDamage = items[curIdx][2]
            curMinValue = items[curIdx][3]
            curMaxRequest = items[curIdx][4]
            -- io.write("Checking for " .. curMinValue .. " of " .. curName .. "\n")
            storedItem = meController.getItemsInNetwork({
                name = curName,
                damage = curDamage
            io.write("Network contains ")
            gpu.setForeground(0xCC24C0) -- Purple-ish
            gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF) -- White
            io.write(" items with label ")
            gpu.setForeground(0x00FF00) -- Green
            io.write(storedItem[1].label .. "\n")
            gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF) -- White
            if storedItem[1].size < curMinValue then
                delta = curMinValue - storedItem[1].size
                craftAmount = delta
                if delta > curMaxRequest then
                    craftAmount = curMaxRequest
                io.write("  Need to craft ")
                gpu.setForeground(0xFF0000) -- Red
                gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF) -- White
                io.write(", requesting ")
                gpu.setForeground(0xCC24C0) -- Purple-ish
                io.write(craftAmount .. "... ")
                gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF) -- White
                craftables = meController.getCraftables({
                    name = curName,
                    damage = curDamage
                if craftables.n >= 1 then
                    cItem = craftables[1]
                    retval = cItem.request(craftAmount)
                    gpu.setForeground(0x00FF00) -- Green
                    gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF) -- White
                    gpu.setForeground(0xFF0000) -- Red
                    io.write("    Unable to locate craftable for " .. storedItem[1].name .. "\n")
                    gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF) -- White
        io.write("Sleeping for " .. loopDelay .. " seconds...\n\n")

    I have also attached a cropped screenshot of it running and the output.  Naturally one will want to turn knobs on the crafting amounts and frequency.  I find the 60 minute cycle to be more than enough for the crafting backlog to be cleared.



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