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Posts posted by DemolitionDerby

  1. If you do have a mod for that I would really recommend using some chunk anchor to make sure the chunks are still loaded.

    I had a lot of issues with opencomputer and enderio cables if a chunk in the middle was not loaded and the cable/computer would send or receive a tick..my whole server would crash.

  2. 21 hours ago, BrisingrAerowing said:

    I quite like this, and I am currently working on converting the door program and server into services (using the RC API) so that they can be run in the background. I am also moving common code into a library that the other programs reference.

    I currently have the library and server done, next is the door program, and the GUI after that.

    I may also do some more work to integrate more into the OpenSecurity users system, along with my User Roles implementation for OpenSecurity (but that is further down the road and will be a separate set of programs, so that the original versions can still be used on OpenOS).

     I've actually looked around the code on your github and the system does look interesting, keep us posted when you will be done ;) I would love to use it!

  3. 36 minutes ago, XyFreak said:

    I just verified that I also have /etc/profile. What Version of OpenComputers are you on? 1.5? Have you been using 1.5 in the past and upgraded from 1.6 later? If so you might need to reinstall OpenOS on your computer.

    Thanks, I will try reinstalling and see if I do have the file.

    For now I did something a little more brutal but working and I simply edited the init.lua file and added an "os.execute ("brgc_gui")" command just under the motd startup and it is working fine.

    Thanks for the help :)

  4. Hello there :),

    Just successfully setted up the whole thing and it is working great!

    Is is possible to have the GUI run on startup so I dont have to start it manually on every computer startup?


  5. Hi,

    I have looked around for a way to do it but I have not find anything about it.

    I would like to know if it is possible to password protect a computer so that it asks for either a username and a password or simply a password.

    Also, is it possible to remove the possibility for the user to terminate the program using CTRL-ALT-C?



  6. Yes, that is what I found out, I originally installed the computer without the cardwriter plugged to it so there was no "Cardwriter.lua", the thing is that I actually named the software "cardwriter.lua" so I just renamed my file and everything worked fine after that.

  7. Hi, I recently installed the system and it was working perfectly, the only thing is now, I actually moved my system to another room and for some reason, when I try to use the Cardwriter, the GUI does not show up..

    I only have some text saying "OpenSecurity Card Writer" and it is asking me to manually inputting some text like "Card Data", "Card Name" etc..

    Anyone has a solution for this?



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