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Everything posted by novotd00

  1. @Fingercomp thank you for your advice. But honestly, I never ran in to a problem when changing my res via that boot script, and yes, I know that it could be done in a better fashion. On my next computers I will definitly do it better, just I'm too lazy. Also, one question, is there any way to multitask or keep updated informations? Also, can I have while loop that waits for event A OR B to happen? I am working on something 'like' ''OS'', just some sort of GUI with different apps and some network capability.
  2. You can just simply modify boot script to run certain program in certain path. I like using 99_rc.lua to change my resolution at startup, almost on all my PCs there, sou you can just add a line that will run a program. Hope this helped Edit: I suppose you can run whole program there, as whell is loaded, but I am not sure and this is just my random thought, you can try tho
  3. novotd00

    key event

    Fixed, sorry for post If someone will found this usefull, the solution is to just keep correct loadorder in your code. I had to load menuselect before keypress. My bad, sorry.
  4. Uff, I don't know how about you, but I am doing it as autorun.lua in root directory, works just fine, I can load/unload chunks, restart server, log in/out, reboot OC, no problems at all. Autorun in root is loaded after shell, I suppose.
  5. I will try to help you as best as I can. First of all, this is not CC(Computer craft), so, don't you dare to try and port some code etc. It is kind of similar, and a buch of stuff can be portet, yet still it is different in a way. In order to have colored things on ya screen you may want to use... I belive tier 2 and up? But just in case, uset T3 screen and T3 gpu. I will write a bunch of code, hope you will understand, but first a bit of syntax, so you aren't confused. Whenever I will use '---' without quotes, that means that everything after those three dashes is not a part of
  6. novotd00

    key event

    Hi there, I have this problem with key press event. For some random reason it works just kind of, well, it works, but my code doesn't. I am using multiple functions to du stuff that depends in certain keys pressed, but that is some sort of weird random error there in between 'keypress' and 'menuselect' function. Could someone take a look please? (I will definitly send some online cookie for ya) ---init component=require('component') gpu=component.gpu gpu.setDepth(8) term=require('term') term.clear() event=require('event') unicode=require('unicode') colors=require('colors') key=
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