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About Metalhead33

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    Junior Member

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  1. Ever wanted to have a second monitor attached to your computer, but wasn't fond of binding the GPU to two monitors at once? Do you for some reason miss the horrible-looking font of ComputerCraft's monitor? Are you a cheater who wants colour badly, even though you can only afford a Tier 1 Computer? Then wait no longer, the solution is here for you! The CCMonitor Wrapper! http://pastebin.com/FG9xfh5F With the CCMonitor Wrapper, you attach a secondary monitor - a ComputerCraft Monitor (basic and advanced alike) - to your OpenComputers computer, and feel the nostalgic looks right away!
  2. Hello everyone! This is my very first post on the forum, and ho-boy, have I got some software library for you guys. MenuSys. So what exactly does MenuSys does, and why am I bragging about it like it's some great invention? Well, because it's not great invention at all. Quite the contrary. It is something anyone could have came up with, and in fact, it's entirely possible that someone has already created something similar, and I was just simply too lazy to check. But okay, okay, enough bad jokes. MenuSys basically gives programmers an easy way to implement menus by giving them an API that
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