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Posts posted by PixelgamerX32

  1. So, I have a question. For example, if I use the Keypad version of the code, the keypad only faces one way right? My problem is this, how do I get out of a room that has a door with keypad input as it can be only accessed from outside the room. Is there a way to implement some kind of 'Door Release' mechanism, like for example, a button?

    Although I really like the keypad version, very nice Dust Puppy. Keep up the good work ;).

  2. 10 hours ago, DarkPikachu said:

    I think it might have something to do with OC's cruddy networking that's been plaguing my NetBiOS development since I started it...

    half my files don't "load"

    and by that I mean I was working on a hot-loader which downloaded the data to RAM and attempted to load it.

    might I say, it was very sparatic and didn't work as expected...

    file not found errors everywhere, even if they loaded before...

    EDIT: even though it's tedious and annoying as F...

    I actually have to recommend manual installation, I'll rework my tutorial with every step when I'm actually on a computer. ;)

    sad because I actually had an image of what the apps folder was supposed to look like...


    I just realized, what version of lua are you guys using??

    despite my issue it might be installing correctly, but there's 2 things that might just be killing this:

    1: I get errors when I switch to lua 5.3

    my screenshot was posted using lua 5.2


    2: remember when I mentioned the drive state?

    what if OC is restoring OpenOS's operational runtime files while OpenOS is running?

    that would cause missing field errors like that.


    EDIT3: for 2, not sure if this will work, but if you're using a "Managed" drive, try switching it to "Unmanaged" and reinstall.

    if this doesn't fix the secure drive-state issue (as in files still revert back), please let me know :)

    OpenOS won't install on a Unmanaged hdd. So, that won't work. (I have tried from a fresh install.)

    This screenshot shows it here.


    Edit: Nevermind, seems a new hdd, eeprom and all components replaced solved this problem. (Ignore this screenshot, that was when I tried to install openos to an unmanaged hdd)

  3. well, gave it a test run, it didnt autorun like u said, but it seems to have worked now

    i guess this was what it was supposed to show

    thnx for the fix


    update to last comment
    seems the autorun fixed itself every boot after it was installed
    after selecting language, it boots straight into it
    (only after language was setup after executing file again to open it)

  4. I seem to have run into some issues when running this. Looks great, but won't run at all.

    I have attached a image of the errors it showed.
    Versions as follows
    OpenComputers: open-computers-


    1. T3 CPU
    2. T3 HDD
    3. T3.5 Ram x2
    4. T3 Graphics

    Minecraft 1.7.10
    Any ideas why this is happening?


    Edit: I retryed with t2 components, still no luck. Seems problem is with code.

  5. 4 hours ago, Laughing_Dragon said:

    Minecraft 1.10.2
    OpenComputers 1.6
    I have attempted the install several times.
    Tier3 everything. OS installed to Tier3 HDD.
    What am I missing?


    I am having this problem too. But in the version 1.7.10 of the Opencomputers. This was working fine before, dunno why it wont work now.

  6. Hi all, I love this os, great job so far for the creator.
    However, I can't seem to use the chat program that comes with the os.
    It dose not seem to 'see' any other pc's nearby. I am using the wireless cards.
    Version of Opencomputers is v1.6 (latest).
    Anyone know how to use it, and if it needs any connections between the tier 3 pc's?
    An how-to info will help, thanks again.

  7. Hey Dustpuppy. I am having trouble making this work. Can you provide a set of instructions to set this up?

    Cause I don't know what to do.

    For example, step 1 download the programs... etc.
    Ignore that part XD, I only mean when setting the whole thing up apart from getting programs.


    EDIT: Which components are being used in the systems, and tiers of the components used in each system?

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