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About zuul4242

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  1. Thanks for the reply. I tried all of those in my 3d printer, but they all resulted in the pink and black checker thing.
  2. Hello all, I'm new to the 3d printer. I want to create some shapes with textures that comes from fluids... Specifically: 1. Molten Enderium (Tinker's Construct) 2. Matter Plasma (Matter Overdrive) 3. Seared Stone (Tinker's Construct) 4. Resonant Ender (Thermal Foundation) Basically, I'm looking for textures that shimmer. I cannot seem to identify those textures. The closest I can get is using the water, lava, and portal texture (see below). Have you found any way of getting at fluid textures I listed above? or something similar? Any help would be appreciated.
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