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Everything posted by superbacon

  1. This was my test result by changing the background color then writing the text, changing the cursor position, and repeating. I don't know exactly how you would go about this over the whole screen, but i hope this helps local gpu = require("component").gpu local term = require("term") --cursor is already set a (1,1), no need to change anything if you don't want to gpu.setBackground(0x003d99) -- example dark blue term.write("Insert your stuff here, this is basically like the print function except no auto indenting!") -- color should be different BEHIND the text here term.setCursor(1,3) -- Mo
  2. Well, last i checked ComputerCraft does essentially the same thing without hexadecimal if i recall correctly, but the way i would go about it is on the next line, change it back to white with gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF) so your finished code would be local term = require("term") local component = require("component") local gpu = component.gpu term.clear() print(gpu.setForeground(0x2E86C1) .. "Test") gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF)
  3. I've been working on this library to automatically change decimal to hexadecimal, but i've been running into a few problems. The first one being that for some reason when i try to load the library, it returns; home/test; 1; module 'hex' not found no field package.preload['hex'] no field package.delayed['hex'] /lib/hex.lua; 3; <name> expected near '=' Here's the code: hex = {} local function = hex.toHex(input) local a = input/16 local b = a/16 local c = b/16 local d = c/16 local e = d/16 local g = input%16 local h = a%16 local i = b%16 local
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