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Posts posted by xilni

  1. 12 hours ago, Nexarius said:

    I don't think that amount > capacity would be a big problem. It will just display percent > 100% and the bar will be filled completly.

    I think you've solved my whole crisis of what to do.

    So you're suggesting I use the lower threshold as the "capacity" in this case so that anything  >= lower threshold is "full" bar. 

    Since the upper threshold is merely a value I use to prevent the system from constantly toggling on and off so I don't care if it's not displayed but I do need to find a place to display whether the system for that particular item/fluid is on or off. It can work off adding a boolean "running" value to the tank data structure or something of the likes but I do want to be able to view it on the GUI at a glance. Any UI suggestions on this point?

  2. Thank you for the help, so first thing I've done is attempted to translate the variable, method and parameter names in anzeige.lua to english passing each word I didn't understand through Google Translate. The result is here: https://pastebin.com/x7E2ySm1

    16 hours ago, Nexarius said:

    You could probably start by making a table like this for anzeigen(tankneu)

    tankneu = {
    {name="water", label="water", menge=1000, maxmenge=2000, somethingnewhere=500},
    {name="lava", label="lava", menge=4000, maxmenge=5000, somethingnewhere=1000},

    I appreciate you helping me decipher the data structure, I was having problems figure out what dazu and hier did in the multiple assignment on line 42 and whether they were important given I'm replacing the entire networking section that uses event.pull.

    16 hours ago, Nexarius said:

    After that add somethingnewhere to L185 into zeigeHier and then change zeigeHier in L205 to include somethingnewhere and then change the table.inserts to have it too. There are two different messages shown if breite==40 (It means width==40) because there isn't enough space left and I decided to not show max amouint anymore on a width of 40 otherwise its too big and doesn't fit.

    I see what you mean, there's a shorter message for when the board starts to get crowded. I'm more concerned with how one would even represent three values on a bar given that the actual amount has to surpass the upper threshold before the system shuts down production (see the logic here for how it decides when to turn on and off the production). It's not as simple as current amount over capacity where 0 ≤ amount ≤ capacity which makes sense in the context of a bar.

    EDIT: Does this forum have an inline code block formatting? Sometimes I don't want to create a large paragraph block for a few random code words.

  3. I would love to implement your GUI for my StockMonitor program (https://github.com/xilni/StockMonitor/tree/feature/gui for the branch I'm working on at the moment). At the moment I have a very rudimentary text only table GUI with minor color usage.

    It tracks not only items and fluids in your ME network but also allows you to toggle signals to turn production and/or gathering (I use bundled cables from ProjectRed and RFTools redstone transmitters/receivers to send the signals around.

    What I have in mind is instead of each bar being:

    Current amount / Tank Capacity

    it would be:

    Current amount / Lower threshold amount / Upper threshold amount

    Now where I would appreciate your advice/help is the following areas:

    1. My design would have three sections per bar instead of two. The reasons for this are important in the pack on my server (Revolution3) as it is based around Rotarycraft where power is not quite as granular as an RF based pack. With the way Rotarycraft power is on or off and not in between it saves me a lot of power to have the system work with a lower threshold and upper threshold and do work in large batches instead of constantly turning on and off as it straddles on a single threshold because I used a trickle of an item.
    2. I would obviously pull data from the ME system instead of individual computers which I have no problems doing (the existing version of StockMonitor does this well) but I'm having problem because of problem 3.
    3. While Lua is Lua, your variables are all in German I assume which has made it very hard for me to decipher which functions do what inside your repository.

    Please let me know if you need any clarifications (I can try to make mockups if need be) or if any of these are areas you can assist me in, or even if you have random feedback on my program.

  4. So I challenged myself to write a script that monitors various item and fluid levels in our AE system and act appropriately to restock them.


    Originally we had everything auto exporting and processing but in Rotarycraft (as our server runs the Revolution 3 modpack) this can mean for a lot of wasted power if you're always running a trickle of materials at less than your machine's full capacity.


    I designed the script to monitor items/fluids around lower and upper thresholds so that the processing would only begin when a batch needed to be done. It works by checking your AE system, comparing the quantity found to the config and then activating the appropriate redstone signal on a RedPower bundled cable that activates an export bus or farm.


    It has come a long way from the terrible script that it was and still has a long way to go. My big goals are to improve the code quality and implement a GUI of sorts.


    Please feel free to comment here or on the repository and most definitely suggest improvements, either via the repository (preferable) or in this thread.




    Thank you for your help.

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