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xilni last won the day on June 17 2017

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About xilni

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  1. I think you've solved my whole crisis of what to do. So you're suggesting I use the lower threshold as the "capacity" in this case so that anything >= lower threshold is "full" bar. Since the upper threshold is merely a value I use to prevent the system from constantly toggling on and off so I don't care if it's not displayed but I do need to find a place to display whether the system for that particular item/fluid is on or off. It can work off adding a boolean "running" value to the tank data structure or something of the likes but I do want to be able to view it on the GUI at
  2. Thank you for the help, so first thing I've done is attempted to translate the variable, method and parameter names in anzeige.lua to english passing each word I didn't understand through Google Translate. The result is here: https://pastebin.com/x7E2ySm1 I appreciate you helping me decipher the data structure, I was having problems figure out what dazu and hier did in the multiple assignment on line 42 and whether they were important given I'm replacing the entire networking section that uses event.pull. I see what you mean, there's a shorter message for when the board starts
  3. I would love to implement your GUI for my StockMonitor program (https://github.com/xilni/StockMonitor/tree/feature/gui for the branch I'm working on at the moment). At the moment I have a very rudimentary text only table GUI with minor color usage. It tracks not only items and fluids in your ME network but also allows you to toggle signals to turn production and/or gathering (I use bundled cables from ProjectRed and RFTools redstone transmitters/receivers to send the signals around. What I have in mind is instead of each bar being: Current amount / Tank Capacity it would be
  4. Good job, I took a quick look at your code. Small efficient library that does one thing and seems to do it well, I look forward to trying it out in my program.
  5. So I challenged myself to write a script that monitors various item and fluid levels in our AE system and act appropriately to restock them. Originally we had everything auto exporting and processing but in Rotarycraft (as our server runs the Revolution 3 modpack) this can mean for a lot of wasted power if you're always running a trickle of materials at less than your machine's full capacity. I designed the script to monitor items/fluids around lower and upper thresholds so that the processing would only begin when a batch needed to be done. It works by checking your AE system, compari
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