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About Diklabyte

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    Junior Member

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  1. Well, OpenComputers supports non-US keyboards! OpenOS has a library for that Let me explain that: Have a look at this code: local event, address, char, code, userName = computer.pullSignal() so the event varable can be "key_down" or "key_up" or "touch", for example. address is your Keyboard address, that is not really helpful for us. The code and char varables are really important, and userName, yes not really important. The code and char are the varaibles that we must to use. Ok, have a look on `code`. these are 'Minecraft' key-codes. For example: Key 'a' is 0x1E or 30. Fo
  2. Ahh, ok. That what I thought. Well the question was, because Unifont use some 8x16 and 16x16, and Unscii has mixed these, too. But that's all the CJK stuff. Very thanks for that! And the 'width' thing is, Sanger needs the Hex-Data-Font-File himself for updating the 'width'. So, I will make some glyphs for myself and eventually I will make a pull-request in the font-fork by asiekierka. Anyway, thank you GreaseMonkey!
  3. Hi GreaseMonkey, thank you for your response. Well, I think, I have a thinking error. That's because I thought, Sangar can update the font width and I can update the font itself. Bat that was wrong, isn't it? However, there are some glyphs, that are missing. This glyphs are special ones, not linguistic ones or similar. That are 'Icons', such as a `Up/Down-Arrow`, `Tab-Arrow`, `Enter-Arrow`, `Left/Right-Arrow`, `Arrow-Up`, `Arrow-Down`, `Degree-Fahrenheit`, `Degree-Celsius` and a `Clock sign`. (And maybe more) But I have one more question to ask you, if that is okay. There is
  4. Hello community, well, where I can start? The problem is the new Font (unscii), or better yet, the new version of `wcwidth.bin`. I don't know if anybody can help me, but this is for me a big thing. I'm writing on a new Program that use some unicode Glyphs. Well, the old `Unifont` has a bunch of Glyphs, that was good. But now, the switching to unscii from asiekierka, I don't have all Glyphs anymore and my Screen looks really funny with the plceholder ("?") from OpenComputers. The Problem at all is, that the `wcwidth.bin` is updated and the `assembled Glyphs` what I make for myself
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