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Posts posted by Xfel

  1. Incoming modem messages are processed as events, so you'll probably just want to use event.listen:

    event.listen("modem_message", function(localAddress, remoteAddress, port, message)
       -- Incoming message handler

    A separate Processor and Sender is unnecessairy if you ask me, as there is no real parallelism in lua anyway

  2. That's true, but the event.pull function is used in a lot of apis, eg. the term api or the internet api. And the term api is then used by central stuff like the IO library. During a term.read() call, any other incoming signals will be lost.

  3. An emulator would definetely be helpful. Actually, the modular nature of OC would make writing one rather easy. If CC was supported too, it would be nice, but I'm not sure if it's really feasible to add both to one system in regards of the different architectures.


    As OC is open source, it would be best if we could use as much of the regular OC code as possible. I did that with computercraft a while ago and it worked quite well; the core logic from computercraft is strongly separated from minecraft specific classes. Unfortunately, this is not the case for opencomputers: The Architecture implementations could probably reused, but they depend on the global Settings class and on the minecraft save logic; and the Machine class is far too strongly integrated with Minecraft logic (eg. client-server) to be reused.

  4. Hi,


    In computercraft, there is a library parallel which can run two or more functions interleaved using the coroutine system. It also distributes incoming events to all coroutines. Now I tried to build something similar with OpenComputers.


    However, if one of my coroutines calls computer.pullSignal(), it does not return to the resume call I made; the call get's handled internally. The coroutine.resume call will only return if I explicitly use coroutine.yield. So, I can't to proper parallelity. I know I can have multiple separate event handlers with the event.listen system, but I can't use delay functions in those.


    Any Ideas how I can solve this?

  5. Hi,


    I'm currently trying to create a graphic UI for my fusion reactor control system. Now I want to use those additional UTF8 chars OC provides. However, those don't appear on my usual keyboard, so at the moment I copy the chars I need from the font.txt file. But this is a bit unnerving, so I'd like to know if there is a better editor that saves me work?

  6. I currently have a setup with two screens and two graphic cards - one pair for control and one pair for status display. Now, I would like to ensure that the right screen and graphics card are bound and primary. To do that, I need to have their exact component adresses.


    I know trhat I can copy a block's address using the analyzer tool. Is there something similar for item components like graphics cards? 

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