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Sharidan last won the day on February 27 2018

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About Sharidan

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  • Birthday 02/06/1973

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  • Minecraft

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    Nakskov, Denmark

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  1. You are the best Michi. Thank you for taking the time
  2. So, I finally added OpenPrinter to my dev pack for testing purposes. From what I've seen so far, you've out-done the competition by far Michi I'm messing with a lot of different dev projects for my big rail network and I was wondering if it would be ok to throw a suggestion in for your printer mod. I'm working on a railway management system, which includes generating routing tables to control where the trains go. In Railcraft the route definitions are put in tickets (for which we have the Ticket Machine in Computronics; thanks Vex & asie!), but I'm looking for a way to print the rout
  3. I've never really been on good terms with regular expressions. Thank you mpmxyz, for explaining and pointing out my mistake with the double minuses. That is certainly something I will correct. I tried out a number of different setups before I settled on that setup because it was the only one that appeared to be working. I have in fact been thinking about what other kind of documentation I could add to CMB. I will definately dig into debug.getinfo and see what kind of information I can dig up. Ultimately the goal of CMB is to be able to present what ever documentation is available, which of
  4. CMB v1.1-i released. Please see changelog in original post for changes and new features.
  5. If people find CMB useful I might try that
  6. Short answer: no. CMB is meant as a documentation assistance tool where you can look up the addresses of attached components, their associated libraries / APIs and each individual method and property of a chosen library. Any non-OpenComputers peripherals that you attach through adapters and that OpenComputers can see as components, can also be browsed through CMB so you can check out the different functions external machines have. For example the functions of a JABBA barrel or a Thermal Expansion machine. I do have plans for a suite of system utilities that could easily include a tool
  7. I wrote the original version for CC a couple of years ago and right up to when I switched over to OC, I used it frequently. Remembering all the methods of all the blocks and machines is impossible, so having a nicely packaged documentation lookup tool like this is golden. CMB will most likely become the first script I go to update when APIs and things change, so you can expect that I will keep this tool alive and updated
  8. CMB is a UI based code documentation browser, that scans any and all components attached to a computer (or robot). Internally CMB automatically detects when components are added and/or removed and forces a refresh of the components list. Yes, this is similar to using the "components" command in the command prompt, however CMB presents the information in browsable sorted lists and presents method usage in nicely formatted Lua pseudo code, including which variable types are expected. Current version: 1.1-i Release date : 28 jan 2016 Requirements: OpenOS v1.5 (built on OC v1.5.22.42 for MC
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