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Everything posted by sshika

  1. sshika

    function "touch"

    this is the complet program : local term = require("term") local shell = require("shell") local component = require("component") local computer = require("computer") local math = require("math") local event = require("event") local string = require("string") local unicode = require("unicode") local serialisation = require("serialization") local colors = require("colors") local sides = require("sides") local os = require("os") --local rs = component.redstone local gpu = component.gpu component.gpu.setResolution(100,50) br = component.getPrimary("br_reactor") nbrrod = br.getNumberOfControlR
  2. hello, actually i use a "touch" function for my programs, and I would want to deactivate the first touch function and activate a second with a click in a precise zone, then deactivate the second and reactivate the first function with a click in another zone. for the click it isn't a problem, but i don't know to activate and deactivate a function in the current program. for close my program, i use this event.ignore("touch",onTouch) and it work normally, but in the middle of the program, this code doesn't work. can you help me ?
  3. sshika

    Decimal to hex

    Hello I realizes a program to convert decimal in hexa. local function hexa(dec) local B,K,OUT,I,D = 16,"0123456789ABCDEF","",0 if dec == 0 then OUT = "00" elseif dec > 0 and dec < 16 then D = dec + 1 OUT = "0"..string.sub(K,D,D) elseif dec > 16 and dec < 256 then V1 = math.modf(dec/B)+1 V2 = (dec-V1*16) OUT = string.sub(K,V1,V1)..string.sub(K,V2,V2) end return OUT end this program convert a lower number in 256, and i use this in a formule local function rod(x,y,n) lvl = br.getControlRodLevel(n) rouge = math.floor((100-lvl)*255/100) v
  4. sshika

    big reactor

    Thank you very much.
  5. sshika

    big reactor

    hello, i used a big reactor on my server, and in this reactor, i use 85 rods control system. OC (with adapter) is able to give me the number of rods in reactor and the level of rod's use, and i wan't to get back this informations of every rod. it's possible with a loop to get back and store this information in a table, but i don't know to use it.
  6. sshika

    sign i/o

    Sorry my phone is bugged. I search the function to realise a carriage return withe the function sign.setText thank you
  7. sshika

    sign i/o

    Hello When i use this upgrade, i need use the carriage return, but i don't no to use it : Component = require("component") Sides = require("sides") Sign = component.getPrimary("sign")
  8. hello i've a new problem with OC i want to use gpu.setColor, but there is a problem : i use this program in lua and the result "test2" is in the good color (backgournd and foreground, but the "test1" have a good background, but a bad foreground. can you help me to resolve it ? thanks
  9. sshika

    graphic interface

    Hellow! the program is finish this is tactil version 1.8 the pastebin : http://pastebin.com/8UABLWMU now i work on the 2.0
  10. how i use 2 screen in same time ? i want to print value in the screen 1, and others value in the screen 2 ? can you write i use this code local component = require("component") local gpu = component.gpu local screen = component.list("screen") screen1 = component.proxy(screen()) screen2 = component.proxy(screen()) for k,v in pairs(screen1) do print(k,v) end for k,v in pairs(screen2) do print(k,v) end and i can view the adress of each screen but i can't to get back the adress. and after can i use "gpu.set" to print in the two screens ? thank you
  11. hello. it's possible to add the railcraft steel and iron tank ? and the quantum tank of gregtech ? i want to create an inteface with the levels of oil, fuel, plasma and other liquids, and i need an interraction between adapter and gregtech blocs. for the IDSU, it's ok, but the tanks
  12. sshika

    graphic interface

    there is a "schema" of the screen with dimension ? edit : i need to use a redstone event. How i write this ?
  13. sshika

    graphic interface

    sorry i'm not explain correctly. i would to know if it's praticable to use a graphic interface to control redstone like a tactil screen ? on the second picture, it's an example of a graphic interface, and i'm search example of program with graphic interface.
  14. To start, i'm french and it's difficult for me to explain my project. I have 8 diesel group. they are separated in 2 big system. a system is connected to an IDSU. Every system send an receive redstone informations by bundle : - 2 informations are received (Turn-ON and Turn-OFF) - 1 information is send (stat diesel) If the Turn-OFF information is true, the diesel is turned off. if it's false, the diesel is in automatic. If the Turn-ON information is true, the diesel is turned on. if it's false, the diesel is in automatic. Turn-ON and Turn-OFF can't be activated a
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