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Everything posted by PwnagePineapple

  1. Here is an example of its usage: gn = require("ognotify") gc = require("ogcolor") gn.send("Title","Description",2,gc.grey,0.75,gc.black,1,gc.black,1) This would send a notification with the title "Title" and Description "Description". The background is a grey rectangle with 75% opacity, and the title and description are both black at 100% opacity
  2. I have created a library for OpenGlasses that allows for sending push notifications. It can be installed using the following command: pastebin get huJePEwB /lib/ognotify.lua It (optionally) depends on another library that defines several color presets (one per Minecraft dye color) that must be installed using this command: pastebin get vVB06vMj /lib/ogcolor.lua The main library provides one function, used for (you guessed it) sending push notifications, the syntax of which is as follows: ognotify.send(title,desc,timeout,bcolor,balpha,tcolor,talpha,dcolor,dalpha) Each notif
  3. Never mind, I can just make each widget an index in a table using table.insert()
  4. So if I did have to address them (for the purpose of removing them later) I would iterate over the shapes table and delete them all using glasses.removeObject()?
  5. The problem with that, is that requires me to have squareA, squareB, and squareC already in existence, all the way to SquareN. I would like a theoretically infinite amount of widgets, and you're solution doesn't allow for that. BTW the OpenGlasses documentation can be found here: http://og.starchasers.pl/doku.php
  6. How might one go about creating a varying number of OpenGlasses widgets in a single block of code?
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