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Posts posted by pedrosgali

  1. I tend to use a slightly different method but the above example is perfectly fine, I'll post mine in case you find it easier and partly to show my favourite thing about coding... Mainly that there is never just one right answer.


    I do most of my processing in the loop so...

    local event = require("event")
    local keyboard = require("keyboard")
    local running = true
    while running do
        ev, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 = event.pull(1, _, ev, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)
        if ev == "key_down" then
            local char = keyboard.keys[p3]
            if char == "w" then
                --your move forward code block here
            elseif char == "s" then
                --your move backward code block here
            elseif char == "a" then
                --your move left code block here
            elseif char == "d" then
                --your move right code block here
            elseif char == "q" then
                running = false
        elseif ev == "touch"
            --do other cool stuff

    While writing that I thought... What if it went forward like 10 if it received a W instead of a w that would be cool.  Then I thought why such an arbitrary number? why not have numerical inputs set the distance? Like this...

    local event = require("event")
    local keyboard = require("keyboard")
    local distance = 1
    local running = true
    while running do
        ev, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 = event.pull(1, _, ev, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)
        if ev == "key_down" then
            local char = keyboard.keys[p3]
            if tonumber(char) then --Edited to include Sangars change... for ease of copy pasting.
                if char == 0 then
                    distance = 10
                    distance = char
            if char == "w" then
                for i = 1, distance do
                    --your move forward code block here
            elseif char == "s" then
                --your move backward code block here
            elseif char == "a" then
                --your move left code block here
            elseif char == "d" then
                --your move right code block here
            elseif char == "q" then
                running = false
        elseif ev == "touch"
            --do other cool stuff

    Haven't used tonumberx in OC yet so not 100% sure that it works but it's like tonumber except it returns boolean according to the Lua reference manual.

    That modification should let you use the numbers 0-9 as 1-10, 0 being 10.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Actually it's a window manager, no desktop as such.  It is literally a front end GUI for openOS.
    It does allow multiple 'window' programs to all be running at once and I do plan to add a desktop environment at a later date.
    I just can't figure out how to get icons and shortcut without the framerate going down the toilet. Yet. ;)
    You're right about the pictures though, I need some screen shots. I'll put some up after work.

  3. Minejaro


    Manjaro style front end for OC.


    ++ UPDATED ++


    Now with text editing!





    Minejaro is currently only 5 files:


    A library to handle all the window spawning and such.

    The screen library must live in your /lib folder and be called screen.lua, it returns many functions that can be called by any window.

    you call it like any other library

    local scr = require("screen")

    local eg = scr:newPane(eg, width, height) --This creates a new 'Pane' that has the following functions attached...


    eg:resize(width, height)
    --will resize your pane

    eg:move(xPos, yPos)
    --will move your pane around the screen

    --will center your pane on the screen

    eg:box(stx, sty, width, height, colour)
    --will add a box to your pane making a numbered table called eg.boxTab within.

    eg:text(xPos, yPos, bgCol, fgCol, text)
    --will add text to your pane.
    --NOTE: to clear this text you will need to set eg.printTab to nil and re write your text to it
    --OR: know which entry in the table it is (they are numbered in the order you create them.) and nil that (eg.printTab[yourValue] = nil)

    eg:centerText(stx, sty, endx, bgCol, fgCol, text)
    --will add text centered between stx and endx

    --will draw your pane

    --DATA READOUT FUNCTIONS--Chat logs etc.

    eg:addTextBox(label, xPos, yPos, width, height, bgCol, fgCol)
    --will establish a data readout box that you can print to.
    --these are brilliant for debug boxes and chat logs. text scrolls if you exceed the box height in lines of text

    eg:printText(label, text)
    --will print text in the textbox with a matching label.


    eg:button(label, stx, sty, width, height, colour, returnValue, textCol)
    --will make you a button on screen. establishes eg.buttonTab numbering all buttons as they are created
    --textCol defaults to black so unless you need coloured text you can miss it out.

    eg:buttonClick(clickX, clickY)
    --This goes in your run loop give it the x and y coords of a "touch" event and it will return the buttons returnValue or false if no button was clicked


    eg:inputBox(identifier, xPos, yPos, width, height, scale, bgCol, fgCol)
    --Adds a text input box to your pane, leave scale as _ if you dont want your box to change size on a resize event.
    --Text inputs are stored in the numbered table eg.textInputs

    --adds a single character to the currently selected input box,
    --WARNING: Using io.read() will lead to horrific screen tear!!! with this API if you want to input text you MUST pull each keystroke
    --as an event... there is an example further down VV

    eg:textInputClicked(clickX, clickY)
    --goes in your run loop again, will return boolien if a box was clicked it becomes selected for the purposes of addText(char)


    eg:loadImage(label, path, xPos, yPos)
    --will load any image made in paintPlus and display it in your pane.

    --Thats a basic list of the functions I think people will use most, there are more if you want to look if you have any trouble just post.


    --Minejaro opens a global table on startup called 'st' short for screen table.
    --This table holds all the pane data for every open pane.
    --Each pane needs an inbuilt function called 'run' which Minejaro will pass all event data to.
    --Heres an example:
    --now if you are not using Minejaro then just call this function run and loop it following an event.pull with all the same parameters
    --and your program will run.

    function eg:run(ev, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)
    if ev == "touch" then
    if self:clicked(p2, p3) then --Will check if the screen click is within the pane
    ret = self:buttonClicked(p2, p3) --Will check for buttons at screen click
    if ret == "your buttons returnValue" then
    --do your code for that button.
    self.needRender = true --set this line if you want minejaro to draw your pane at this point.
    return true --This is important so Minejaro knows there was a click and it can stop looking.
    if self.textInputClicked() then return true end --if you have text inputs then you*ll need this line.
    self.grabbed = not self.grabbed --toggles self.grabbed, built in movement sensor for drag and drop.
    elseif ev == "drag" then
    if self.grabbed then --If grabbed is toggled true then
    term.clear() --Clear the screen.
    self:move(p2, p3) --Move the pane.
    self.needRender = true --tell Minejaro to draw the outline of it.
    return true --Tell Minejaro its all good.
    elseif ev == "drop" then
    self.grabbed = false --we*re not grabbed any more.
    elseif ev == "key_down" then
    local char = keyboard.keys[p3]
    if char == "enter" then
    --do some cool stuff
    return true -- Remember to tell Minejaro that it found what it is looking for
    if keyboard.isShiftDown() then
    --I hope that makes sense to you, with that template you*ve got a pane with as many buttons as you
    --put in all being checked and executed, it*s a grabbable object that can be moved round the
    --screen and can input text into text boxes. There is a lot you can do with that.

    --To load your pane into the global filetable (st) it needs an id...
    eg.id = #st + 1
    --then the last line of your program should read...
    st[eg.id] = eg
    --Which loads it as a separate entity into the global screen table.

    A manager program that allows programs to run.

    manager must live in your /bin folder. Run 'manager' to start it.

    'konSoul' - a console program.

    konSoul is my first draft at a console program, it has a few quirks at the minute.

    all prints from programs print to your desktop not the console which is a bug I'm going to fix but is actually kinda fun. :)

    Needs to live in /bin folder.

    'Porpoise' - a file browser.

    Lives in /bin folder again.

    Porpoise is the basic file browser from paintPlus with the addition of a text input box at the top for typing the path.

    left clicking will open folders or run programs

    right clicking will open folders or open files in edit

    'Ate' - A Text Editor

    lives in /bin again

    It's a text editor, not much to describe.


    To those that like pastebin:

    Here's the pastebin links


    Screen.lua  -- Install to /lib/screen.lua

    Manager     -- Install to /bin/Manager

    konSoul      -- Install to /bin/konSoul

    Browser      -- Install to /bin/Browser

    Ate             -- Install to /bin/Ate


    For those that don't I will be putting it on oppm as soon as I can figure out that pesky table. :P


    That's it for now but I'm currently working on a notepad program so you can have multiple text files open at once.


    It is possible for you to write your own programs that run in Minejaro, you could have reports and controls from all your different base areas set up as seperate windows. (I know I will.)

    I included some brief info on the library in the spoiler above, I'll write a guide here later if anyone has trouble getting programs to run.

  4. Hey man, thanks for the bug report.

    As far as I remember the game should only read the HDD when it loads an Image which is often as RAM limits the amount I can keep loaded.

    I'll look into events later today, This thing still needs an update but I've got a secret project in the works at the minute.

  5. It's a trading game, most things on the screen are buttons to click. Each station has 1 product that you can buy and up to 3 resources you can sell it to operate. Explore and find more stations and AI traders who take all your best trades.

    Also there is a close option in the menu. :P

  6. I have seen this game crash in many (sometimes spectacular) ways but this is a new one. Well done.

    Where are you launching the game from? did you navigate to the SpaceGame folder and launch from there? or did you do "SpaceGame/space" to launch?

    That would cause a crash sort of like this as the game would not find the right working directory and thus none of the assets.


    Hope this helps, and thank you for the bug report. :)


    Also this is due for an update soon, working on assets at the minute but in my copy Shipyards are in so you can buy multiple ships and there are a few pieces of equipment to buy at Equipment docks. More Equipment is pending.

    Sorry for the delay in updating but I got a 3D printer last week and have been tinkering with that instead of coding :P

  7. You could try checking on the keypress if shift is down then use string.upper(char)


    Like this:

    if keyboard.isShiftDown() then
        --Shift pressed.
        char = string.upper(char)

    Hope this helps :)



    After reading your post again it looks like your code will detect the pressing of shift as a keypress and print the result anyway. You'll have to account for that.


    Maybe like this:

    while true do
        ev, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 = event.pull(.01, _, ev, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)
        if ev == "key_down" then
            local char = keyboard.keys[p3]
            if char == "left_shift" or char == "right_shift" then
                if keyboard.isShiftDown() then
                    --Shift pressed.
                    char = string.upper(char)

    I think p3 is the charachter, I'm not sure and I don't really want to check right now.

    Let me know if you have any trouble.

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