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About iCodingChaos

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    Junior Member

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  1. I consider myself a pretty good Java developer, and I think OC could use a few more cases. So I'm going to code in an addon mod that is purely for aesthetics. I'm going to taking IRL cases and bring them to OC, if you have any you want to see then respond with a picture.
  2. Sorry, I'm an experienced C++ coder trying to get into Lua, and OpenComputers. I was just trying to see what kind of "dynamic" things I could attempt.
  3. I'm looking for each computer to be separate per say that each tier 3 computer case hods 3 tier memory options. How would I connect them and make sure that the overall computer looks to this specific section for it's RAM, and over there for it's CPU power.
  4. Hello, I've been thinking of this for about 5 hours. And I'm wondering what would be needed to build a Supercomputer, how much time would it take, and what kind of coding would be need to be done? Thank you.
  5. Hmmm, Now I ask how do I boot a floppy disk?
  6. I've been trying to mount OpenOS on a Hard Disk Drive but I can't just figure it out ;(
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