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About OnyxFox

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    Junior Member

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  • Minecraft
  1. OnyxFox

    Block Info

    Is there a command similar to getStackInSlot() that operates like robot.detect() but returns the block ID number?
  2. OnyxFox

    Beginner Help

    Ok I figured a solution to make sure this works no matter what. I realize most of you on the forum will already know this but for those who don't, here is my workaround for this issue. local robot = require("robot") local function move() while robot.forward()==nil do robot.swing() end end move()
  3. OnyxFox

    Beginner Help

    Don't forget about me. I don't want to go back to CC lol
  4. I know which program you are talking about. I'll get into it and try to get back with you.
  5. OnyxFox

    Beginner Help

    Thanks! I tried it with the print added and it returned as "nil solid" even though it had just broken the block. Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to add a delay? I should also note that my robot doesn't have a tool so it takes a second to break the block. EDIT: I tried the program using different axes. Although the speed was increased with each tier, the robot will only move forward after the break with the diamond axe. Every other time it returns as "nil solid". Do I need to post about this on Github? I'm not sure if this is a bug or not.
  6. OnyxFox

    Beginner Help

    So I've started off trying to write a tree chopping program with a robot I put together. I can get the robot to do the tasks using the interactive Lua script but when I put it into a program file I start having issues. I am pretty familiar with the Lua from CC and have played with it a good bit. First question: Why must I have this at the beginning of the code to call commands? local robot = require("robot") Issue: When I start off with a simple robot.swing() robot.forward() the robot will not move forward after it finishes swinging. However if it says to move back it will move ba
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