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eslachance last won the day on June 8 2015

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About eslachance

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  1. The only point I have to make is about the screen: The only thing you'd need is something like a screen switcher - that little box that has 4 screen/keyboard/mouse outputs, and one input for a physical screen/keyboard/mouse (in our case, just screen and keyboard of course). Connect it to the server rack, connect it to a screen and keyboard, and boom. Could also be used to control multiple PC cases if they're adjacent to the block I guess?
  2. But that's one beep at a time, isn't it? Polyphonic Ringtones were added to cellphones in 1998 or whatever, it'd be nice to have at least that
  3. I'm not sure I really have the ability to do anything with the inventory controller in terms of moving items... When I do =component.inventory_controller on an adapter with the inventory controller, I'm getting none of the functions that the wiki describes for moving items. .dropIntoSlot(), .suckFromSlot() and .store() simply aren't there. I'm beginning to think I'm SOL and it's just not possible to do this with computers, only with drones. Doesn't seem to be a way to insert a database upgrade into the computer either? I'm a little confused. OH WAIT, the config setting is disabled
  4. Oooooooh what I had read lead me to believe that this was only for robots and drones. Thank you
  5. I did a bit of research around after unsucessefully trying to make a program that could automate the creationg of circuits for AE using an inscriber. I realized that there is no way, from a Computer, to actually do anything at all with inventories. Drones seem to have the inventory manager upgrade, but I don't actually need the computer to move, I want items to move. Basically, I'd like to replace the need for Steve's Factory Manager (a somewhat overpowered block) with an opencomputer setup. Reasons for this include: - It's damn cooler and can display what's happening on screen. -
  6. Is there any plan for having a sound card and speakers? I don't know if the LUA engine has any access to Minecraft's sound API, but wouldn't it be cool if you could put in a sound card, connect some speakers and a screen, and get audio feedback on certain actions? I'm thinking: - Notification when an action has finished - Warning when something's wrong - Music (think 8-bit synthesizer, not MP3s) Like, I was just dreaming of someone reproducing or porting old DOS games like King's Quest or Leisure Suit Larry or Commander Keen and playing them inside of Minecraft
  7. Hmm, a little more on this, perhaps to go more towards what I was thinking (but, again, this is just a utopian idea). How about some sort of mod integration using APIs (from one side or the other) that can give Computers and/or Microcontrollers abilities from other mods? I think perhaps this is a little more realistic than wishing we could do smelting and ore doubling inside a computer: - Pulverizing upgrade from, say, TE, with a % chance of secondary output, requiring a "Pulverizer Upgrade" - Alloy making from EnderIO/TiC/Forestry requiring an "Alloy Creation Upgrade" - Special smel
  8. So, after watching the 3D Printer video on YouTube, I had a flash and I was wondering if all this is planned in some way, or if it's just so out of this world, it's never going to happen. Essentially, the thing that just hit me like a ton of bricks when I saw the 3D printing files is: with some work, you could actually create mod blocks with this. What I mean by this is, if you had the ability, in 3dm files, to add or use programs, you could literally make your own blocks that do things. Simple example: the factorization Packager. All it does is take 4 or 9 blocks and craft them into
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