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About NEO

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  1. Did Chatbox , I know about Computronics , but would like to add a feature , namely the team that did not go to chat, that is, # hello, so that all chatboxs they will be push as an event , the problem is that in a single game and the server vanilla , it works , but in a thermos does not want to , I check computronics it works , apparently , I was wrong , debugging , I noticed that reachableNodes empty , all methods are implemented properly, and so if you try to take reachableNodes nodes Callback method annotated works , please help , not the first day of digging through the code . Code: ht
  2. Already it is working, although for some reason the upgrade in the container does not want to lay down.
  3. I am creating an addition to the operating system, namely Tesla update for the robot , but for some - I do not know the reasons why it does not work , when I change the map type , or other things work , but as soon as I put all Slot. Updating nothing works . Driver public class DriverTeslaUpgrade implements HostAware { @Override public boolean worksWith(ItemStack stack, Class<? extends EnvironmentHost> host) { return true; } @Override public boolean worksWith(ItemStack stack) { return stack.getItem() == Items.tesla; }
  4. It should be addon that can be used as a mode of energy.
  5. Hi people , I write addition that adds a power generator, how can I make OC use energy ?
  6. NEO


    I thought , do addon.
  7. NEO


    Hello, dear Sangar, I would like to offer you the idea for the OC, in the form of adding the block to teleport entity, well, or at least, the players how to work the block to teleportation will need at least 2 units, they must be connected to the same network, teleportation should that be buffer stored n-the amount of energy, the farther away the more energy, as there will be teleported to a code, we take proxy teleporter - it will be a starting point, and calls teleport into arguments pass the address of another teleporter, well, further work scala code, and need to add a function to calculat
  8. NEO

    Other fonts.

    Hi, how to change the font in the OC to another , such as DejaVu Sans Mono, tell me how ?
  9. Hello. Good job. Sangar: please don't double post.
  10. Sorry for bad English, You can realize the quick receipt of the address component? I can offer make the address as the url link to that when you click on it can be copied.
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