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Posts posted by Gorzoid

  1. Open computers is not fast enough to do per tick redstone signals on multiple sources. For the actual problem you have there, os.time returns minecraft seconds. It's a pretty useless metric about 0.28 ticks, I'm pretty sure the most tick accurate clock is computer.uptime() which is seconds since computer was started.

  2. I would not recommend doing io.open():read() or write(), you are never closing the file so you can't guarantee the handle is released. Make a custom function to readall/writeall quickly if you need to.

    Also filesystem.concat might be better than just using "WH/db/"..LOC

  3. 12 hours ago, Izaya said:

    I think this video from around the release of OC 1.4 has what you want. It's designed for drones but should work just fine for robots, and doesn't even need storage beyond the EEPROM in the robot. This gist has the code.

    I'd still recommend having OpenOS installed if possible, it adds alot to make robot API easier and allows robot to be used through terminal aswell.

  4. Navigation upgrade having the ability to magically share waypoints with eachother seems a bit weird, I like the idea of setting local waypoints that only the component itself can see but networked waypoints can be recreated with just a wireless card.

  5. If you want it to work for all words/strings then use "1" instead of 1. In lua numbers and strings are not the same, ie 1 != "1". It seems that lua for some reason allows strings to be implicitly converted to numbers when using arithmetic operators(who do they think they are, JavaScript). So if your inputs aren't restricted to being numbers only then just compare with the number as a string(in quotes)

  6. The thread containing info on applying is here although considering there is only 10 "entitled players" in over 2 years since the thread was posted (most being staff), I'd say it's pretty difficult to get. Ofcourse you could be evil and just add your name to the list in the code, but I never said that ;)

    Anyway it would only be client side and only visible in F5 mode so nowhere near as cool as the real deal.

  7. The table containing bundled Colour values is colors. If using the lua prompt you can simply do conponent.redstone.setBundledOutput(sides.west, colors.green, 200) but if using a program you must require it.

    	local colors = require("colors")
    	local sides = require("sides")
    	local rs = require("component").redstone
    	rs.setBundledOutputsides.west, colors.green, 200)

  8. On 09/08/2017 at 10:08 PM, Molinko said:

    I edited the original script in my post. I'm confident I fixed open() however I'm not sure if threads can call thread:kill() from within themselves.. So quitting may still be bugged :/

    Why not just return

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