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Posts posted by Izaya

  1. Oh boy, I needed this. Let's see how it-



    Okay, that should work with local paths. Enjoy :D Sorrry about that, I usually operate from / so I didn't noticed.

    I also introduced a new -g option, for specifying global paths instead of local paths.

  2. I wrote a program (quite a while ago now) that on boot, allows you to select a filesystem component to set as /

    I improved it a bit recently and decided to publish it.


    I wrote both an installer that copies /bin, /lib and /usr to the drive so the computer is actually usable once the bootloader is installed, and the raw bootloader is avalible for those who want it:

    Installer: http://pastebin.com/E4L1uW6X

    Raw: http://pastebin.com/MtX0Mx5m

    Look at that shinyness :D

  3. So while on IRC, I suggested the idea of a community server for OC. While it wouldn't be official, it'd be the only one so far.

    Anyway, after further discussion, we came up with a list of mods, which are now in the poll, so vote and have a say in which mods are on the server.

    That is all.

  4. Why would you name your drive C:? That's horrific. sda is a much nicer name, though that really should be in /dev ...

    Anyway, try using



    cd C:

    . Hopefully that'll work

    Stop using windows naming :P

    -ShadowKatStudios o/

  5. So uh, I don't have a name for it. I guess it's a little like a UUCP network... I'm open to suggestions


    Over the last few days, I've been in the car a lot. And these are like, 3 hour trips. I've decided to measure the amount of code I write in car trips. Anyway, this is what I've been working on. I haven't noticed any bugs, but there is no current functionailty beyond forwarding, there is no security the max message size is just under 8KiB, due to OC limitations (Configurable), and it's kinda loud because I needed debugging messages. Oh yeah, it requires a Computronics tape drive to serve as a buffer for messages.


    Okay, so here's the form of the packet:

    path is the path of nodes to use, separated by !s, eg. 'derp!boom!bang'
    retPath is the path to return a message. It should be a reversed path, but if you wanted you could mess
    with it and fake the retPath
    name is the name of the message. Could probably be helpful in transferring large files to get around
    the 8k limit
    user is the user it's addressed to on the final destination. Could probably impliment a user for
    requesting information about a node.
    message is the actual contents of the message.
    The whole thing should be less than 8KiB due to the packet limits so we can't kill smaller computers 

    If you want something to happen when it's addressed to a user on your system, modify recvMsg. At the moment, it can forward messages and that's it, I'm gonna work on more stuff soon. I suppose you could also have an inter-server network or a wormhole using the internet cards.


    Anyway, here's the code: http://pastebin.com/meECUXwn

    It's decently (sarcastically) commented. To set up a node you'll need to change the address (commented)


    Here's a name that just occured to me:

    Ticking Tile Entity.

    I left one of Asie's tapes playing with a broken audio file on it and it crashed my game with that error.

    Apparently the tape tried to stop at the wrong microsecond. That's all I know.


    Now... What did I forget?

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