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Password door


Hi guys i have a question for you,


i have used a program of the forum and changed it a little bit and its working fine, but i cant get the password hidden with *

i tried the pwchar but the it will not start anymore, and also how do i start it upon boot?

The pwchar parameter, when given, 
causes input to be masked using the first char of the given string. For example, providing "*" will make all entered characters appear as stars. 
The returned value will still be the actual text inserted, of course.

i hope one of you guys can help me or implement it in the code i use


Here is the code

local component=require("component")
local r=component.redstone
local gpu=component.gpu
local term=require("term")

---- config section
local password="ucisrrc876"
local delay=1 --time the door stays open
local side=5 --side of the door, test this

local wrong=false

while true do
  gpu.set(1,1,"UCIS Rocket Control Centre")
  gpu.set(1,3,"Please enter password")
  if wrong then
    gpu.set(1,1,"UCIS Rocket Control Centre")
gpu.set(1,3,"Please enter password")
  local input=io.read()
  if input==password then
     r.setOutput(side,15) -- check if this is the correct function
     r.setOutput(side,0) -- same here



The Duke of Crawley

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Hi The Duke of Crawley,


I was actually working on something very similar as well this weekend. I opted to use the term.read() function, which allows you to mask the input. I don't think io.read() does this.. Would be cool if you could link the documentation for that function.


Here's a snippet of my code. I'd be happy to share the whole program with you if you'd like.

answer = text.trim(term.read(nil, false, nil, "*"))  -- Masking input characters; trim newline

Note that the one downside to using term.read() is that it will also append a "\n" newline to your input which can cause the input not no match your configured password of course. I resolved this by using the text.trim() to remove it.


Hope this helps.



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(edit) "i said to early it worked you where right about the text.trim because he is not accepting my password, but now icant get the text.trim to work, i would love if you share the program"


(edit 2) "its working righ now


Thanks man after i tryed somethings with the piece of code you gave me its working now

and there is no extra newline. the only 2 things i now want know is how do i make sure nobody can shut the program off with ctrl+alt+c and how do i make sure its starts upon boot


for people who wants the somewhat renewed code for a password door 

thanks to kevinkk525 for providing the base code that i used

the new code is now:

local component=require("component")
local r=component.redstone
local gpu=component.gpu
local term=require("term")
local text-require("text")

---- config section
local password="ucisrrc876"
local delay=1 --time the door stays open
local side=5 --side of the door, test this

local wrong=false

while true do
  gpu.set(1,1,"UCIS Rocket Control Centre")
  gpu.set(1,3,"Please enter password")
  if wrong then
    gpu.set(1,1,"UCIS Rocket Control Centre")
    gpu.set(1,3,"Please enter password")
  input = text.trim(term.read(nil, false, nil, "*"))
  if input==password then
     r.setOutput(side,15) -- check if this is the correct function
     r.setOutput(side,0) -- same here
Edited by thedukeofcrawley
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To have any program run when the computer boots, you will need to call it from an autorun script.

  1. First, what I would suggest is to place your program in the "/usr/bin" directory, that way it can be called by name without specifying the directory path. This is optional but I find it useful.
  2. Next, create a new file in the root "/" directory, called "autorun.lua". In this script, use the following code, supposing your program name was "pass.lua". Then reboot it too test. 

As far as preventing program termination, I have found one post that describes a method involving creating your answer string from key strokes; however I have not implemented it yet myself. If you do let me know how it worked out for you.


My program is below. I'd consider it 90% done with some potential enhancements. I'll release it in a more formal manor when I'm fully done, but you're welcome to use whatever you'd like.




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thanks for the help,


i cant get much out from the program terminiation you had send, but its starts up from boot right now i will send the new code with this message

i hope sombody else can help me with the prevent termination

local component=require("component")
local r=component.redstone
local gpu=component.gpu
local term=require("term")
local text=require("text")
local computer=require("computer")
local os=require("os")

---- config section
local password="ucisrrc876"
local delay=1 --time the door stays open
local side=5 --side of the door, test this

local wrong=false

while true do
  gpu.set(1,1,"UCIS Rocket Control Centre")
  gpu.set(1,3,"Please enter password")
  if wrong then
    gpu.set(1,1,"UCIS Rocket Control Centre")
gpu.set(1,3,"Please enter password")
  input = text.trim(term.read(nil, false, nil, "*"))
  if input==password then
     r.setOutput(side,15) -- check if this is the correct function
     r.setOutput(side,0) -- same here
gpu.set(1,1, "UCIS Rocket Control Centre")
gpu.set(1,3, "Acces Denied")
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