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require recursion


Im trying to create a utility "class" wich returns "allObjects" either by function or directly.

Objects are files within a specified folder with a specified extension.

  local Handler = {object = {}}
  local workspace = {

  for key, dir in pairs(workspace) do
    for element in fs.list(dir) do
      local s, e = string.find(element, "%.")
      local ext = string.sub(element, s + 1)
      local title = string.sub(element, 1, s - 1)

      if ext == "foo" or ext == "bar" then
        if Handler.object[ext] == nil then Handler.object[ext] = {} end
        result, Handler.object[ext][title] = shell.execute(dir.."/"..element)

  return Handler

Works actually fine but the problem is that I need to require the handler in the object files themselfs since they need to know eachother.

This though leads to a problem since I also use the handler in the main class which when called gives the error:

"already loading: handler"


Example of an object ("dir1/obj1.foo"):

local handler = require("handler")

local obj1
obj1.title = handler.object.foo.obj2.title

return obj1

The main file needs the handler aswell:

local handler = require("handler")

--For example
for k, v in pairs(handler.object.foo)

which isn't a suprise. I also tried shell.execute instead of require which ended in an endless loop. I understand the problem but I can't think of an elegant way to solve it.

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Relevant Lua 5.3 manual section in case you want to know more about require: http://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#pdf-require

The error says that handler is currently being loaded when it calls itself. Here's a possible workaround:

  local Handler = {object = {}}
  local workspace = {

  function Handler.init()
    local key, dir
    for key, dir in pairs(workspace) do
      local element
      for element in fs.list(dir) do
        local s, e = string.find(element, "%.")
        local ext = string.sub(element, s + 1)
        local title = string.sub(element, 1, s - 1)

        if ext == "foo" or ext == "bar" then
          if Handler.object[ext] == nil then Handler.object[ext] = {} end
          local result
          result, Handler.object[ext][title] = shell.execute(dir.."/"..element)

  return Handler
and then in your main code:

local handler = require("handler")

--For example
local k, v
for k, v in pairs(handler.object.foo)
Also, use local more. Otherwise, you can easily bite yourself in the arse like so:

function getkey(t, kval)
  for k, v in pairs(t) do
    if v == kval then return k end
  return nil

for k, v in pairs(foo) do
  k2 = getkey(v, "derp")
  if k2 then print(k2, v[k2]) end
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Thanks for the answer. Yea that would be a way to do it. I did it totally different by now though :). I use dofile instead of shell.execute now and the object table is just a local table inside the Handler (which I access with Handler.functions) so it gets passed as upvalue to the file that I run with dofile. And thanks for the tip with the locals, I'll keep it in mind.

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