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Sleep is a wonderful thing! - The answer to your question is Concatantaion, in Lua it is very simple to do here is an example:

local word = "a string of text"
local num = 5


-- to have fixed text just do
print("This is always the same text, with the number stored in num "..num)

Because when I first saw this post I was half asleep and not paying attention below this line, in the spoiler, is a semi solution. To see my original post with a full example of what I'd try to do for you issue click the spoiler button - if you want the challenge of doing it your self (always more rewarding) then don't!  :D

Not sure what the question is but based on the Wiki you forgot to open the port to broadcast on:

-- Hook components
-- (the Wiki has the event too but that is for the message receive part so i dropped it)
local component = require("component")
local m = component.modem -- get primary modem component

local time = 5 -- time to wait between ping messages
local count = 1 -- intialise count to 1

-- Open the port on the network and print out if it is open (should print true or this wont work)
print(m.isOpen(123)) -- true

-- Do a ping test (sort of)

while count < 5 do
    m.broadcast(321, "ping "..count)
    count = count + 1

-- close the network port

Your receiving server will just simply listen with the event system... I don't really know why you'd want to do this but it's what you asked.

-- Hook the Events library
local event = require ("event")

-- Wait for a message from another network card.
local _, _, from, port, _, message = event.pull("modem_message")
local data = tostring(message)

-- check that the received event was a ping message, like ping 1 and do something
if(data == "ping 1") then
    print "I received a ping, it was the first ping!"

Not tested this and it's currently 01:15 local time so I'm heading to bed, but hope this helps.

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It's all about scope, or better memory management. If you are only doing a small program it doesn't matter but good practice is important.

Lua code runs in blocks, local variables are only available in the current block, a global variable is always available. What this means in terms of memory is a global variable, once created will sit around in memory until the program ends or you set the variable to nil.

The Lua manual explains this with examples but I am posting from my phone so don't have access to the link at the moment.

Here is the link to what I am explaining: http://www.lua.org/pil/4.2.html

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It's not just a memory thing - though memory is a much bigger concern on OpenComputers than on a real computer - using global variables for everything clutters the global namespace and can cause odd bugs if you use the same name in different places. Because every computer has a single global namespace for every script (unless the script is called using pcall, which gives it an own "global" namespace) this means that a global variable from an external library can "leak" into your program, or even into other libraries.

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