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Robots couldn't move and couldn't use forward(), up()... commands

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Hello the dear developer I met a problem on my own server.

When I use the robot Creatix I input these commands:

/home # lua

lua> r = require("robot")

lua> r.forward()

and it moves one block. But The screen doesn't refresh, I couldn't see such as "lua>" on it and I couldn't do anything else.

But if I input like this...

/home # lua

lua> r = require("robot")

lua> r.swing()

true         "block"

lua> r.forward()


lua> r.swing()

true         "block"

lua> r.forward()


lua> swing()

false         "air"

lua> r.forward()

And it will not work.

I could say, when I put blocks in front of him and it breaks the blocks at first, it could move, or it will strike(if all of blocks are already broken, it will also strike like the second example).

The situation on my computer is not like this. It works perfect and nothing wrong.


PS: if I input like this:

lua> while true do r.forward() end

it will just move 1 step. And stay there.

if I create a script with:

r = require("robot")

while true do



and run it. the robot will still move 1 step, and stay there. The screen has also no reaction.


PS II: PLZ repair it, this mod excellent and I don't wanna play without it(and CC is not available for 1.12.2), so PLZ repair it. It so interesting.


If you need any info, look at here:


    System: Ubuntu 16 x64

    Infos: 2 CPUs, 4 GiB RAM, 40 GB HDD, 100M Internet

    normal used RAM: ~65%

    normal used CPU: ~50%

    Java version: jdk8u231

    forge version: 1.12.2-

    sponge version: 1.12.2-2838

    lua version: 5.2



    System: Mac OS X 10.15 Beta

     Infos: 2.9GHz Intel Core i5, 8 GB RAM, Intel Iris Graphics 550 1536 MB, 512 GB SSD

    Java version: jdk8u221

    lua version: 5.2


And if you need any other infos you could contact with me, here is my E-Mail:



Thank you for the development of this mod, again.

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