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Two screens and two gpu's


I have to write a little test program to understand How can I write text on the second screen, and I can't understand, what I do wrong.

That's the code

local component = require ("component")
local term = require("term")
local gpu2a = component.get("7ba")
local gpu2 = component.proxy(gpu2a)
local scr2a = component.get("e6e")
local scr2 = component.proxy(scr2a)

gpu2.fill(1,1,36,5, "X")





gpu2a - address of the second gpu card

scr2a - address of the second screen

So, when text printed , it printed on the first screen, again and again

If I use print("Hello") instead term.write, so text will be written on the first screen.


On the picture - right screen - scr2


What command I need to write in my code , that computer can write text on the second screen with binding on the second gpu


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term.read, print, io.write print text on the first screen, as you said, because it is a primary component. Primary components are choosen randomly when the computer boots up. Proxies of such components are returned when they are accessed like that: component.screen (or component.redstone, component.gpu, etc.).

The primary GPU is automatically bound to the primary screen. So you have to bind GPU to the second screen. The following example prints "Hello, world!" on the second screen.

local component = require("component")
local gpu = component.gpu  -- get the proxy of the primary GPU

local addr1 = component.get("ad03")  -- the address of the first screen
local addr2 = component.get("235f")  -- the address of the second screen

gpu.bind(addr2, false)  -- switch GPU to the second screen (false means that it won't clear the screen)

io.write("Hello, ")

gpu.bind(addr1, false)  -- switch GPU back to the first screen
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Ah, sorry, I didn't notice that you have two GPUs. Well, as you said, print functions work by default with the primary GPU component. An obvious way to do what you want is to access the two GPU components directly.

local component = require("component")

local gpu1 = component.proxy(component.get("897c"))  -- the first GPU
local gpu2 = component.proxy(component.get("b2bd"))  -- the second GPU

local screen1 = component.get("10da")  -- the first screen
local screen2 = component.get("e52a")  -- the second screen

-- bind the screens to the GPUs

-- use the `set` method to write text
gpu1.set(10, 1, "Hello, world!")
gpu2.set(1, 2, "Hello.")

-- the arguments are: x, y, text
-- if x is 1, the text will be printed at the beginning of line
-- if y is 1, the text will be printed at the top line

-- [1, 1] [2, 1] [3, 1] [4, 1] [5, 1]
-- [1, 2] [2, 2] [3, 2] [4, 2] [5, 2]
-- [1, 3] [2, 3] [3, 3] [4, 3] [5, 3]
-- [1, 4] [2, 4] [3, 4] [4, 4] [5, 4]
-- [1, 5] [2, 5] [3, 5] [4, 5] [5, 5]

...Or you can use an undocumented term library feature.

local component = require("component")
local term = require("term")

local gpu2 = component.get("a562")  -- the non-primary GPU
local screen2 = component.get("cd64")  -- the non-primary screen

local window = term.internal.open()  -- create a new window
window.gpu = gpu2  -- set window GPU...
window.screen = screen2  -- ...and screen

term.setViewport(nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, window)  -- assign viewport values (resolution, cursor position, etc.)

-- now you can use term.drawText to write text on the second screen
--            text value       , should wrap, window
term.drawText("Hello, world!\n", false,       window)
term.drawText("Hello", false, window)
term.drawText(" again", false, window)

Much easier than the first way.

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