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About cherbert

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    Junior Member

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  • Minecraft
  1. Is there no debug card documentation anywhere yet? Does it have functionality that would duplicate the /clone command that is available in 1.8? I am running a 1.7.10 server and would love this function.
  2. I see nothing unusual about wanting to keep a computer from unloading - in fact it seems highly logical to have as a feature and would be very useful especially when using the linked cards you advised me to use! I don't want to have to install another mod or stick a robot next to every computer I build. The whole mod seems flawed without this feature. Why put the huge effort you have into creating wireless networks, cable networks, internet cards, linked network cards when all of that is useless because you can't communicate using any of it unless the chunks are occupied by players or kept
  3. Maybe you would consider a chunk loader upgrade similar to that available for robots? And maybe also a variation of computer cable that also keeps chunks open? (I assume cable between computers also stops working if they sit in unloaded areas?)
  4. I am working on a rather large ambitious project involving rail carts, signals and routing using Railcraft. I plan to use a combination of OpenComputers talking externally to a real world server and perhaps also a network of servers in the game - but I first need to understand the limitations. What happens if I have servers running in distant parts of the world that are listening for events or are being sent network signals (or redstone signals) and they are in an unloaded chunk because there are no players there? Is that server rendered useless since it goes into pause mode? I really hope
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