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About tobivandebulk

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    Junior Member
  1. Hi, Edit: feel free to ask me any questions since obviosuly I have not documented this script well... or at all I have created this little script when I started getting into scripting months ago when I created my first thread with a question in this forums - and thought I share it now. I might update and advance it but I am not sure yet. Since I haven't done any development work eversince then. Any feedback is appreciated, since I am really unexperienced in this topic You'll need: 1 Charger and Energy supply 1 Chest 1 Drone with this scri
  2. This definitely broke my blockade! I completely misunderstood component.proxy functionality. Even managed to create a table put it into a string now to see a specific position also thanks to the tutorial. Now I'm gonna try to figure out how I can send the string to my client interface since the resolution of the drone interface doesn't allow me to see all coordinates properly. Thank you!
  3. Did a clean reinstall of OpenOS, and now it works properly smh. I guess I messed up my HDD then. Hi, so I opened this second thread for another problem I had, using a github script in order to ease the interaction with my drone and execute code on it remotely, maybe even get something printed into my client interface and get an understanding of what some methods are actually returning for example. I came across https://gist.github.com/fnuecke/6bcbd66910b946b54ec7 So the thing is, when I try to execute this client.lua: local component = require(
  4. Hi, I hope this is the right place to post this. So basically, since I am really not into lua at all, I firstly tried to just play around with the drone, and I wanted to write a program sooner or later, to harvest things. I tried to figure out how getPosition() works and what it actually returns when I tried to setup a variable with that method, it always threw "string expected, got table". Tried like position = {component.navigation.getPosition()}. <- That somehow had to do with something else, I don't know what exactly. So I tried to get "getPosition()" to work, for
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