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Posts posted by gibbo3771

  1. Ah right, the scope makes sense given that it's a interpreted line by line language. I had a look at the log and right enough, buildProgressBar is nil. So I tried changing the code around, to what you have described so the variable is declared and known, but unassigned. Kinda safely assuming functions are passed as reference, rather than a copy as it would make less sense. I can link the whole program, can't see it helping much!

    local c = require("component")
    local GUI = require("GUI")
    local buffer = require("doubleBuffering")
    local image = require("image")
    local note = require("note")
    local gpu = c.gpu
    local rs = c.redstone
    local sides = require("sides")
    local event = require("event")
    -- App parameters
    local bgColor = 0x03162A
    local fgColor = 0x22065B
    local buttonDefaultColor = 0xC22828
    local buttonPressedColor = 0xA4Ef7F
    local textDefaultColor = 0xEEF9FF
    local shieldPowered = false
    -- App instance
    local app = GUI.application()
    -- Background, covers entire screen
    app:addChild(GUI.panel(1, 1, app.width, app.height, bgColor))
    -- Title bannner
    app:addChild(GUI.panel(1, 1, app.width, 3, fgColor))
    local titleText = app:addChild(GUI.label(1, 2, app.width, app.height, textDefaultColor, "Wither Farm Control System"))
    -- Left widget alignment and sizing
    local buttonWidth = 60
    local buttonLeftAnchor = 3
    -- The shield button, this toggles the shield on and off
    local text = "SHIELD POWER"
    local powerButton = app:addChild(GUI.roundedButton(buttonLeftAnchor, 5, buttonWidth, 7, buttonDefaultColor, textDefaultColor, buttonPressedColor, textDefaultColor,  text))
    powerButton.switchMode = true
    powerButton.onTouch = function()
      shieldPowered = not shieldPowered
      if(shieldPowered == true)
        rs.setOutput(sides.left, 0) -- TODO set to 15 when ready
        rs.setOutput(sides.left, 0)
    -- This button will eventually be used to build a wither
    local buildWitherButton = app:addChild(GUI.roundedButton(buttonLeftAnchor, 13, buttonWidth, 7, buttonDefaultColor, bgColor, buttonPressedColor, bgColor, "BUILD WITHER"))
    -- Displays build status in %
    local buildProgressBar
    local function clearAndInitProgressBar()
      buildProgressBar.value = 0
      buildProgressBar.hidden = false
    local function progressUpdate()
      buildProgressBar.value = buildProgressBar.value + 10
    buildWitherButton.onTouch = function()
      if(powerButton.pressed ~= true)
        throwWitherBuildError("Can't build Wither with shield down, are you mad?!?!?")
        event.timer(1, progressUpdate, 10)
    buildProgressBar = app:addChild(GUI.progressBar(buttonLeftAnchor, 22, buttonWidth, buttonPressedColor, fgColor, textDefaultColor, 0, true, true, "Building Wither : ", "%"))
    buildProgressBar.hidden = true
    -- Throws an error if wither can't be built, with a reason why
    local function throwWitherBuildError(text)
      return GUI.alert(text)


  2. 11 hours ago, payonel said:

    Looks like your you've declared `progressUpdate` after your used it, thus passing nil to event.timer for its 2nd argument. Which, btw, isn't allowed, it should error (it requires you pass a function there)

    So how come  'clearAndInitProgressBar' is working just fine? I thought it was due to declaring it as not local but changing that seems to have no effect. 

    10 hours ago, payonel said:

    btw, if the onTouch callback is made to an event.listern (inside the gui library you are using), which it likely is, then you would see the crash log in /tmp/event.log (it would be crashing because the assert of the 2nd argument is a function and NOT nil)

    This piece of code is not crashing, but it should? That's weird.


    EDIT: Would also like to start that this:

    throwWitherBuildError("Can't build Wither with shield down, are you mad?!?!?")

    Is also declared at the end of my file, so technically this should work either right?

  3. So I am pretty new to Lua, having only used it very lightly in the past for basic scripts. I am having some issue that hopefully someone can help me with and it can be best described as a "function losing scope". I'll post the code and explain it.

    local buildWitherButton = app:addChild(GUI.roundedButton(buttonLeftAnchor, 13, buttonWidth, 7, buttonDefaultColor, bgColor, buttonPressedColor, bgColor, "BUILD WITHER"))
    buildWitherButton.onTouch = function()
      if(powerButton.pressed ~= true)
        throwWitherBuildError("Can't build Wither with shield down, are you mad?!?!?")
      -- Do wither stuff
      e = event.timer(1, progressUpdate, 10) -- MC states 10 seconds to build a Wither, so this rough timer will work for now. Call the function every 1 second, for 10 seconds
    buildProgressBar = app:addChild(GUI.progressBar(buttonLeftAnchor, 20, buttonWidth, buttonPressedColor, fgColor, textDefaultColor, 0, true, true, "Building Wither : ", "%"))
    buildProgressBar.hidden = true
    function clearAndInitProgressBar()
      buildProgressBar.hidden = false
      buildProgressBar.value = 0
    local function progressUpdate()
      buildProgressBar.value = buildProgessBar.value + 50 -- This lines does literally nothing, I can type it wrong and everything, or even assign strings, booleans, tables. It's like the line is completely ignored
      note.play(75) -- This beeps. wtf is happening above?


    I am using a GUI library, which can be found HERE. I completely lack the knowledge of the language and API to understand what is wrong, it's also impossible to Google :p.

    Any ideas?

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