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Posts posted by Dalden

  1. I realise this is an old post, but thank you very much for a working AE2 autocrafting script.

    I modified it slightly to store the craft result object, so that it can be checked in the next cycle to see if the job is still active or not, and then skip adding a another job if it's still in progress and it's working perfectly in Minecraft 1.12.2, with OpenComputers and Applied Energistics 2 rv5-stable-11

    Here is my modified version if anyone is interested:

    -- Original by Palagius : https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/1426-ae2-level-auto-crafting/
    -- Modfied by Dalden 2018-07-28 
    --           - Store crafting result object to check for status
    --           - If crafting job is not yet finished from previous cycle then skip this cycle
    local component = require("component")
    local meController = component.proxy(component.me_controller.address)
    local gpu = component.gpu
    -- Each element of the array is "item", "damage", "number wanted", "max craft size"
    -- Damage value should be zero for base items
    items = {
        { "minecraft:iron_ingot",       0, 16384, 256 },
        { "minecraft:gold_ingot",       0, 16384, 256 },
        { "minecraft:glass",      0, 16384, 256 },
        { "minecraft:quartz",      0, 16384, 256 },
        { "minecraft:diamond",      0, 16384, 256 },
        { "minecraft:emerald",      0, 16384, 256 },
        { "draconicevolution:draconium_ingot",      0, 16384, 256 },
        { "thermalfoundation:material",       128, 1024, 256 }, -- Copper Ingot
        { "thermalfoundation:material",       129, 1024, 256 }, -- Tin Ingot
        { "thermalfoundation:material",       130, 1024, 256 }, -- Silver Ingot
        { "thermalfoundation:material",       131, 1024, 256 }, -- Lead Ingot
        { "thermalfoundation:material",       161, 1024, 256 }, -- Electrum Ingot
        { "thermalfoundation:material",       162, 1024, 256 }, -- Invar Ingot
        { "thermalfoundation:material",       163, 1024, 256 }, -- Bronze Ingot
        { "thermalfoundation:material",       164, 1024, 256 }, -- Constantan Ingot
        { "thermalfoundation:material",       165, 1024, 256 }, -- Signalum Ingot
        { "thermalfoundation:material",       166, 1024, 256 }, -- Lumium Ingot
        { "thermalfoundation:material",       167, 1024, 256 }, -- Enderium Ingot
        { "appliedenergistics2:material",       24, 4096, 256 }, -- Engineering Processor
        { "appliedenergistics2:material",       23, 4096, 256 }, -- Calculation Processor
        { "appliedenergistics2:material",       22, 4096, 256 }, -- Logic Processor
        { "appliedenergistics2:material",       11, 4096, 256 }, -- Pure Nether Quartz Crystal
        { "appliedenergistics2:material",       10, 4096, 256 }, -- Pure Certus Quartz Crystal
        { "appliedenergistics2:material",       7, 4096, 256 }, -- Fluix Crystal
        { "appliedenergistics2:material",       12, 4096, 256 }, -- Pure Fluix Crystal
        { "appliedenergistics2:material",       0, 4096, 256 }, -- Certus Quartz Crystal
        { "appliedenergistics2:material",       1, 4096, 256 }, -- Charged Certus Quartz Crystal
        { "appliedenergistics2:material",       8, 4096, 256 }, -- Fluix Dust
        { "appliedenergistics2:material",       2, 4096, 256 }, -- Certus Quartz Dust
        { "actuallyadditions:item_dust",       5, 4096, 256 }, -- Crushed Quartz
        { "enderio:item_material",       5, 4096, 256 }, -- Silicon
        { "enderio:item_alloy_ingot",       1, 1024, 256 }, -- Energetic Alloy Ingot
        { "enderio:item_alloy_ingot",       2, 1024, 256 }, -- Vibrant Alloy Ingot
        { "enderio:item_alloy_ingot",       5, 1024, 256 }, -- Pulsating Iron Ingot
        { "enderio:item_alloy_ingot",       6, 1024, 256 }, -- Dark Steel Ingot
        { "enderio:item_alloy_ingot",       7, 1024, 256 }, -- Soularium Ingot
        { "enderio:item_alloy_ingot",       8, 1024, 256 }, -- End Steel Ingot
        { "enderio:item_alloy_ingot",       0, 1024, 256 } -- Electrical Steel Ingot
    loopDelay = 60 -- Seconds between runs
    -- Init list with crafting status
    for curIdx = 1, #items do
        items[curIdx][5] = false -- Crafting status set to false
        items[curIdx][6] = nil -- Crafting object null
    while true do
        for curIdx = 1, #items do
            curName = items[curIdx][1]
            curDamage = items[curIdx][2]
            curMinValue = items[curIdx][3]
            curMaxRequest = items[curIdx][4]
            curCrafting = items[curIdx][5]
            curCraftStatus = items[curIdx][6]
            -- io.write("Checking for " .. curMinValue .. " of " .. curName .. "\n")
            storedItem = meController.getItemsInNetwork({
                name = curName,
                damage = curDamage
            io.write("Network contains ")
            gpu.setForeground(0xCC24C0) -- Purple-ish
            gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF) -- White
            io.write(" items with label ")
            gpu.setForeground(0x00FF00) -- Green
            io.write(storedItem[1].label .. "\n")
            gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF) -- White
            if storedItem[1].size < curMinValue then
                delta = curMinValue - storedItem[1].size
                craftAmount = delta
                if delta > curMaxRequest then
                    craftAmount = curMaxRequest
                io.write("  Need to craft ")
                gpu.setForeground(0xFF0000) -- Red
                gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF) -- White
                io.write(", requesting ")
                gpu.setForeground(0xCC24C0) -- Purple-ish
                io.write(craftAmount .. "... ")
                gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF) -- White
                craftables = meController.getCraftables({
                    name = curName,
                    damage = curDamage
                if craftables.n >= 1 then
                    cItem = craftables[1]
                    if curCrafting then
                        if curCraftStatus.isCanceled() or curCraftStatus.isDone() then
                            io.write("Previous Craft completed\n")
                            items[curIdx][5] = false
                            curCrafting = false
                    if curCrafting then
                            io.write("Previous Craft busy\n")
                    if not curCrafting then
                        retval = cItem.request(craftAmount)
                        items[curIdx][5] = true
                        items[curIdx][6] = retval
                        gpu.setForeground(0x00FF00) -- Green
                        io.write("Requested - ")
    		    --while (not retval.isCanceled()) and (not retval.isDone()) do
    	            --		os.sleep(1)
                        --        io.write(".")
    		    -- end
                        gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF) -- White
                        io.write("Done \n")
                    gpu.setForeground(0xFF0000) -- Red
                    io.write("    Unable to locate craftable for " .. storedItem[1].name .. "\n")
                    gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF) -- White
        io.write("Sleeping for " .. loopDelay .. " seconds...\n\n")


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