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Everything posted by DeBrates

  1. Wow! Great analysis and explanation. This problem has stumped me for days on a larger project, and the solution was that simple. You have certainly helped me here and given me some debugging advice for the future! Thanks!
  2. This is a very hard issue to explain, but hopefully someone knows what I'm talking about. This is either a major bug or a simple flaw in my code. If you want to try this for yourself, or view the code pastebin get 7UHGc1tu demo I have a program that has multiple pages, and a button that is in the exact same position on both pages. The issue is when I press the button on one page, which triggers an event then switches to the second page, it triggers the first event but also part of the second event. I have setup a sample program to demonstrate this issue. The program is supposed to
  3. I'm having trouble with the redstone card. Whatever I do I can't seem to get any redstone output. My main goal is bundled output in a separate program, but I wrote this test program to see if any redstone output would function. From what I've seen this looks valid to me. Is there any reason this code wouldn't work? Program is just intended to output on the left side and write the strength on the monitor. I've tried both tiers of redstone cards, and tried all side aliases such as sides.left and sides.east. Edit: Redstone i/o works but I don't see a reason the redstone card wouldn't un
  4. Did not know about that extra argument! Works like a charm! Thanks!
  5. Hi, I'm recently new to OC and am working on porting some of my older programs from CC. I have this simple reactor program that has a few pull events. Issue I'm having is that the pull event freezes the loop until an event happens. I tried to get around this using a timer, but it doesn't seem to work the same as CC. How can I use pull events without freezing my loop? Full Code (Events at bottom) Pull Event local name, _, x, y = event.pull("touch") if y == 1 and x < 30 and x > 18 and reactorOnline then r.setActive(false) elseif y == 1 and x < 30 and x &g
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