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Posts posted by LightningShock

  1. It's a very handy program, however there's room for optimization. The robot was wasting a lot of time and energy while building the sphere, because sometimes it was running side by side instead of taking a circular path 

  2. mc also means microcontroller if you didn't know.

    Hello there, were you banging your head against a wall while you tried to automate Draconic Evolution's Fusion Crafting? Well, I was about to, but I realized OpenComputers has got my back(like always). So, I wrote this simple program that runs on a mc to do this job properly for me. I made it with Applied Energestics auto-crafting in mind and I've got a mod that implements transporting pipes that can round-robin one item at a time(EnderIO) in the modpack I play on, so if you want it to run based on something else, you might need to tweak this a lot. It's also kinda smart, it can tell if the recipe is a normal in-out crafting one, or it it's upgrading a tool, so it is going to route items accordingly.


    • easy to setup
    • reliable
    • has an "upgrade" mode that will make the fusion core self-feed so you can upgrade easily
    • all the cons can be overcome if you modify the code to your needs.


    • it relies on something else to transfer items into the injectors one by one.
    • "upgrade" mode is not fully automatic, you need to manually place your tool inside the core and to place your required upgrade key inside any injector, and to take them out after you are done(still automatic if you are doing the same upgrade)
    • there is room for improving the energy consumption for the mc, however do you really mind extra ~1RF/t after you've got a fusion crafting system?
    • requires a dummy item(I use a stone block, and it doesn't care about NBT)
    • it expects all the ingredients of only ONE crafting session to be pumped all at once(in a single tick), and the ingredient provider must wait for the crafting to finish, which an AE interface does if properly configured.


    The setup is simple: first, you build something like I did in the picture above(note: you will also need power, and what's between the interface and mc is a dropper that is facing the interface, you will find out why soon). It doesn't have to look same, just act the same. In fact, not even the sides you are going to hook it up matter, you will just have to configure the code accordingly. Then, interface's blocking mode must be enabled(top-left button in it's GUI, set to "do not push crafting items if inventory contains items"). The top-most extractor(in the picture) must be set to round-robin and it must pipe one item at a time(for EnderIO, enable round robin and place a downgrade). To make the mc you need a tier 1 case, CPU , RAM(just 1), redstone card and one transposer, assemble and voila, you are done with that part. The last thing you have to do is to flash an eeprom with the provided code(I assume you know how to do it, look it up), but not before you tweak it a little. If you look at the second paragraph of the code there are some variables that you must define. Those are the sides the mc connects to, and "foo" is the code name of the dummy item I talked about and you must provide, I used stone, which is "minecraft:stone", as you can see, but you can change it to your desire. The other variables' value must be changed to numbers that represent cardinal directions(see the aliases on the sides API to know which number to input, it must be a NUMBER, not "sides.north" or things like that, the code doesn't have the actual side API in it). An exception is matr, which indicates the RELATIVE direction of the side the dropper is adjacent to, and depends on the direction your mc is facing(due to the fact the redstone card works using relative directions while the transposer is using absolute ones). If your mc is facing north, or the actual side is top or bottom, the number is same as mat's, otherwise you just look at the sides API again, but this time at the relative directions.

    t = component.proxy(component.list("trans")())
    r = component.proxy(component.list("redstone")())
    mat = materials aka ingredients
    corein = core input
    coreout = core output
    inj = injectors' input
    matr= materials redstone side
    foo = "minecraft:stone" --dummy item
    function wait(side)
    while t.getSlotStackSize(side,1)==0 do computer.pullSignal(0.05) end end --you can change 0.05 to something bigger to save more power but decrease sensitivity
    function check(sl) x = t.getStackInSlot(mat,sl).name end
    function isntfoo(slot)
    if pcall(check, slot) == false then return false end
    if x == foo then return false end
    return true end
    while true do
    if isntfoo(1) then
    d = mat
    else d = corein end
    while isntfoo(i) do
    if d == mat then
    i= 1 + t.getSlotStackSize(coreout,1) else i=1 end
    for j=1,i do
    r.setOutput(matr,0) end

    For example:

    mat = 1
    corein = 2
    coreout = 3
    inj = 4
    matr= 1 --my mc is facing north
    foo = "minecraft:stone"

    The redstone card's purpose is to send the items back to the network via dropper. When you turn the mc on it should greet you with just one discreet warm beep to indicate it is on and working. You are almost done, you just need to define the recipes. Important note is that the order in which items come matter. In case of AE, to make a proper recipe pattern you must put the items in it's 3x3 grid in order from top-left to bottom-right. For normal crafting, first slot must be the item going to the core, followed by injector's ingredients, and last comes just one dummy item that you have chosen. After it is done crafting the output and the dummy item is returned. For the "upgrade" mode, you must place one dummy item in the FIRST slot, followed by the ingredients(excluding upgrade keys!). After it is done crafting only the dummy item is returned. Again, note that before upgrading you must place the tool inside the core and the key(if needed) inside any injector, and after you are done you must take those out. Hope you understood how this works, you will do that only if you went along and read everything(or reverse-engineered the code), I did not explain like you were 5, because after all we are on a forum for geeks.

    If you have any question(besides what's an "mc", how to craft one, and how to flash an eeprom), suggestion(if feasible) or even an improvement, don't be afraid to post.

    Good luck!

  3. 2 hours ago, Exmax said:

    It works, thanks :)

    Good to know, so, did you stick with the name or you switched to uuid?

    you might as well try changing the i variable with nil to theoretically save some memory if you are into micro-optimization like me, but I am not sure if Lua is ok with that. I would like to know if that works, please :lol:.


  4. Not sure if name is for the entity's type, or the name of the player. Try this:

    for i, element in ipairs(output)
      print(element.uuid) -- those 2 are for debugging purposes first, you can remove them if it works.
      if element.name == "urnamehere" do  --you should use element.uuid instead

    If player.name is not your expected output, use element.uuid and your uuid instead, which is recommended anyway.

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