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About summerock

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    Junior Member

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  1. fuck you luke. make your own post
  2. so is there any way for it to fix that?
  3. well its uh, about 43x43 and multiple layers, but the layers part dont matter.
  4. also when it does actually deposit items in the chest, theyre invis(not a big prob) but it only puts the stack in that is in the first slot, or the active slot.
  5. Okay i was using the basic t1 computer and it didnt work for me. but i have it working now but ive come across a problem, if it filled up its inventory when harvesting the items just drop on the floor, any fix or tell it to drop off items when full?
  6. Um i feel really fucking dumb. how do i actually use the code in a drone? i havent messed with opencomputers. can you help?
  7. Hi, i play on OhGamings organised crime 4 which has opencomputers. I would like a program for a drone to harvest a cocaine plant, which is 3 blocks tall, and i would want it to harvest it from the 2nd block and then have it collect the items and put it in a chest or something. But i only want it to break the 2nd block of the plant when it reaches atleast 3 blocks tall, i have no coding experience and i have no clue how to code. I do not want to code or learn, ive tried and failed. This is just a request, but if you can i will love you forever. Thanks
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