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Posts posted by wylderhoads1809

  1. I'm trying to pull the event chat_message but am having a strange issue. The event is pulled normally, but it outputs a bunch of information to the screen even without printing it within the program. The code I have is as follows:

    local event = require("event")
    while true do
    local a,b,x,y = event.pull("chat_message")

    this shouldnt print anything to the screen, however I get the following info with every chat event:GMjEUO6.png


    how do I prevent this message from showing up every time?

  2. Hello all, I'm new to open computers (and lua) but I have worked with c++ in the past, although it was many years ago. My quick questions are as follows:

    -Sometimes when I get a result from the lua interpreter, it doesn't give me all the results, but has ellipses after the first 10 or so. How do I view the rest of the results/ all of the results?

    -Is there a way to delete all of the text in a .lua file? I plan on editing my code in a text editor then pasting it in and don't want to manually delete everything anytime I make changes. Or, maybe a better question is: what's the best way to externally write/edit code and then get it into my OC?

    -Last question! are there any good tutorials online for learning lua? I know the manual is a good resource but it is a bit too dry for me (I'm doing this for fun, afterall). I was looking for something more interactive maybe? I don't have anything specific in mind, I just want to learn some of the syntax and possibilities!


    Thanks for any help!

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