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Posts posted by EchoSeven

  1. On 08/03/2015 at 9:40 AM, dgelessus said:

    TCPNet perhaps? Linked Cards are so much simpler though... Your decision, if you want to do it this way, go ahead.

    now that i've spent two years learning about opencomputers and such... i can pose the question again with a lot more knowledge, having the need for it come up again.


    my problem: i have a litteral shit tonne of computers sending information back and forth. picture this: super enhanced jungle hills biome. jungle sky islands litterally everywhere. wooden bridges connecting a bunch of them. looks really crazy pretty. however, i need secure checkpoints. there are other people. public server. i'm the admin so i spawn in tiny bedrock rooms all over the place with opencomputers terminal and opensecurity doors and magnetic stripe card readers at each little cache.. be it litterlly just a teleporter leading back to my secret underground personal room.. or the backroom for an emerald2food vending machine made with opencomputers.... basically, i have a need for a bunch of computers using one central server so i have one mag stripe card i can get into everything. various security levels and i have a system i can grant guest passes for low security caches.. and etc.

    having already taken up a slot for network card... linked card... internet card.. the server can only take so much space. i can't make 10-15 linked cards all put into the server. the wireless range only goes so far..


    what i'm looking for: i want to use the internet cards to connect to my physical server's IP on some random port i tell it to... kinda like IRC for the network.. so everything can communicate back with the server, no matter where it is.. and no matter how many terminals i have. 


    something in game that links all the terminals i link together. litterally like a tesseract, being able to set all data to the same channel. and able to connnect to the opencomputers like a wireless access point block. (wireless access points are perfect but they dont go far enough or interdimentionally.) 

    even creating a group of linked cards linked to the same network rather than just two linked together would be perfect.. or even a repeater i can drop a shit tonne of linked cards in and have it connect to the server's access point "router"


    basically i need to make a /bunch/ of computers all over the map and in different dimentions all connect to the same network. not just one or two computers. but a bunch... and i'm not exactly sure how to execute that.


  2. For inter-dimensional communication you can use a pair of Linked Cards. That way you don't have to rely on an external server to return all data to the sender. You just need to make sure that both computers are in loaded chunks (either near the spawnpoint or manually loaded using a chunk loader block). To communicate between servers you'd need an extra program running on the real computer on both sides that passes network signals through to an in-game computer, because by default the Minecraft server doesn't do that. I'm not sure how exactly that could be done though, it might involve writing an add-on mod for OC. (Or am I missing a much simper solution here?)


    as i said, i don't want linked cards. i know there is a real computer program that is a server written in lua to handle TCP requests to various minecraft computers within OC. its not an addon. its a lua program you put on a computer that can talk to the server using an API.. i know for a fact it exists.. i had it running on my computer for a while before i reset it.not even 6 months ago. i found it here. i am just wondering if anyone knows what happened to the forum post it was in... or where i can get it again.

  3. hey. i've seen people do this before.. instead of a network card, they use an internet card and have a lua server "loopback" requests to the minecraft server... emulating a network without taking up a card slot... and thus being also able to communicate cross server and interdimensionally.


    i wish to set this up OR anything that would allow the computers in my server communicate in different dimenstions...


    one of them is on my spacestation.. one of them is in the nether.. and another is in the normal overworld. my problem is that they all control stargates.. and right now i have a database via TCPnet i can access to tell me the names of those stargates... so i dont have to add or update a script on every single machine. but the computers don't see eachother in other dimensions. also, i don't think linked cards and tesseracts work in space. (galacticraft dimensions)



  4. Actually you have to do ppa on this page, I'm planning to release the server, but at the time whole code is hudge mess as I work on it pretty hard.


    yay!! its back. when you do release the server, i'd love a copy. if you need any beta testers.. my whole minecraft experience is programming OC computers and making networks and security systems and doing stuff i like while my boyfriend does the survival stuff he likes. needless to say, its really the only game we can play together for long amounts of time... i can beta test or help on whatever.


    this project in particular is amazing. i hope its good enough to actually get put on the oc's site..and mpt added in the mod by default.

  5. Actually you have to do ppa on this page, I'm planning to release the server, but at the time whole code is hudge mess as I work on it pretty hard.

    i can help if you wish. my github is Nekrose483 and if you PM me i can give you my email. i know a lot of languages. i'm also a java tutor.. so i know how to clean up messy code.

  6. Hello. i'm starting to work more with this mod.. i'm writing an operating system with some kind of app store for it.. just for users to have a GUI interface (for people like my boyfriend who LOVE computers in minecraft.. but have no idea how the unixesque OpenOS works.) so, i'd like to play around and get together a graphical operating system that can run programs and stuff in the background and what not and upload it and have people test it and use it. :)

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