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  1. Hi, I'm wondering if I can use the solar panels from galacticraft to power my computer. Is the energy from galacticraft at all compatible with open computers? Thank you.
  2. The geolyzer scans an entire column and returns the results for the individual blocks in a table, which are then used in the next if cycle. Also I figured out the problem. hologram.clear() for x = 1, 32 do for z = 1, 32 do local myTable = geolzyer.scan(x,z) for y = 1,32 do if myTable then if myTable[y] > 0 then hologram.set(x,y,z,1) end end end end end However I ran into a new one. When the whole scan is done, there are vertical holes all the way through. Any idea what might be c
  3. I recently made my first holographic projector and geolyzer and Ive beent ryting to use them to display a 3d map of the area I'm in. Here's what I'm trying to do: local component = require("component")\ local geolzyer = component.geolzyer local hologram = component.hologram hologram.clear() for x = 1, 32 do for z = 1, 32 do local myTable = geolzyer.scan(x,z) for y = 1,32 do if myTable[y] > 0 then hologram.set(x,y,z,1) end end end end It runs fine for a while, but about 2/3 of the way it gives the following message: "Attempt to index local 'myTable' (a nil value)"
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