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Posts posted by TvL2386

  1. Thanks for explaining Krutoy242! Yeah I was lazy with the reading, sorry for that... I just wanted to quickly reply so MarioBrosFTW knew people were still looking at this awesome thread!


    I managed to actually build the datacenter! Indeed I needed to upgrade the RAM of my computer because it couldn't load the datacenter.lua due to insufficient RAM.


    I removed the -42 from the Y level because I didn't understand it, so the result was a floating datacenter above water LOL. It seems the cellar starts at 42 below ground level :)


    It seems I need to update some blocks in the generated LUA data table, for example, the cables are end portal blocks, computers are bushes and the iron fences were missing in my Resonant Rise 3 modpack :-)


    Is there a way to rotate the datacenter? I want to rotate it -90 degrees.


    I'm also wondering if there is some way to print it using a drone or robot. I play full survival and my friends, who built everything by hand, cannot appreciate it probably :-)


    I'm also wondering why this setup is capable of having 64 computers... Why 64? And what's the purpose of having 64? These are probably noob questions, because I just started with OC. I still don't really see the possibilities of OC in Minecraft except a little bit of automation.


    Kind regards,


  2. I'm looking at this topic and it looks awesome!

    I want it! But I have no idea about where to start... I'm struggling with the following questions:

    1) How to use this MagicaVoxels?

    2) How to turn the vox file into something usable in MC? What does MC need as input?

    3) How is it build in MC?

    4) How do you get the materials in MC?

    5) What's the role of this debug card?


    I have some investigation todo, but this looks an awesome way to create a very cool structure!!!

  3. Thanks Adraxas,


    You inspired me to do this as well using OpenComputers.

    This is my first project with OpenComputers and my first attempt at lua.


    What I wanted was to use a robot to make sure I always have a stack of livingrock and livingwood in my AE2 system.

    I accomplished this by having my robot interact with an ME Interface that has Stone, Wood, Livingrock, Livingwood and pickaxes.

    The ME Interface comes with a crafting card to craft stone pickaxes and stone. However it could have been a simple chest as well.

    The robots goal is to get 64 items of livingrock and livingwood in the inventory.


    Here is the overview:



    here are the contents of the ME Interface:



    My code can be found here: https://github.com/TvL2386/oc_botania_daisy/blob/master/botania.lua


    Please note your robot needs an inventory controller upgrade.


    Have fun!


    Kind regards,


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