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  1. I thought the same, but I don't know how to do that, because for that, I am too bad at Lua programming
  2. As I understand it, it is used to run multiple *.lua scripts at the same time, what I need is running multiple functions at the same time.
  3. Hello, I am trying to use an API and a Programm I used in CC in OC: API : http://pastebin.com/NAsCJ5Es Program: http://pastebin.com/kepHTh4d Error: http://puu.sh/kh5qR/861622b8d7.png Where am I going wrong? How do I fix it? Thank your very much for help
  4. Hi, how would I programm this: parallel.waitForAny(eingabeTunnellaenge, checkStatus) while (einstellung == 1) do parallel.waitForAny(einstellungen,timeshow) -- bearbeitung der einstellung einstellungenSpeichern() bildschirmStart() einstellungenLesen() parallel.waitForAny(eingabeTunnellaenge, checkStatus) end In OpenComputers, since it doesn't have a parallel API?
  5. Hello Guys, I am quite familiar with computercraft so i wanted a new challenge and installed opencomputers and I run into two errors: 1. If I edit a Program it doesn't get saved properly or at all. Why is this? 2. What are all the [HT] icons in front of every line on a program downloaded from pastebin? ( http://puu.sh/kgShj/9869666a2d.png ) Thanks in advance Cheers, TheEisbaer ​
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