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About Minecrafted9193

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    Minecraft... Just, Minecraft. And Bananas.

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  1. No, I tested it two ways. One with cables, one wirelessly. Both cause several messages. But the .5 second delay fixes it every time. Also I'm glad my post needs to be reviewed thing is gone, I have no patience, at all.
  2. Actually didn't take that long. Good job, thanks for the help too.
  3. It worked. Yayyyy. Now I need to go through it and understand it. I hate having a program and not understand how it works. Give me a year or so. Thanks however
  4. The sleep is only to prevent the message being duplicated, because when I only sent one message, it would come up as several "modem_message" about 4-6 of them, rarely 3. I'm trying it now however to see if it will work, and I was hoping it would be simpler than this :/ rather I thought it would be simpler.
  5. I don't know about that. If you go into the Lua testing prompt and type this in this order as long as you have a network card or wireless network card you can recieve broadcasts, but it shows a whole lot of stuff, including the message. component.modem.open(Port) =event.pull("modem") will recieve the next message sent on the port you opened. But I can't do the =event.pull("modem") because it errors with the =
  6. I decided to write two programs. One to broadcast whatever you type and another to receive broadcasts. The one that broadcasts, works perfectly. But the receiving one doesn't. It gets the broadcasts, but doesn't display the how I want. Instead of saying a whole broadcast, it says "modem_message" and the code is shown below. component = require("component") event = require("event") print("Pulling broadcasts from port 25565") while true do os.sleep(.5) --To make sure it doesn't repeat single messages component.modem.open(25565) x = event.pull("modem") --Doing it like this
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