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Posts posted by Maxzilla60

  1. OC checks for the RF API (CoFH|Energy) to decide whether RF is available. Since OC doesn't ship that API (nor, presumably, does Botania, which is a good thing) you'll need to throw in CoFHCore and/or CoFHLib (not sure if the one depends on the other). That should be enough to make it work.

    Yes, adding CoFHLib made it work.

    Thank you very much, now I can power my computers with cake! :D

  2. Hello! :)

    First of all; I'm not asking for full Botania integration, I have checked the GitHub.

    OpenComputers automatically disables the need for power if it doesn't detect other mods for power generation.
    Botania has a block (the Mana Fluxfield) that can convert Mana into RF and I would like OpenComputers to recognize that.
    I have tested this by adding one of the recommended mods (so that it doesn't disable the need for power) and the Mana Fluxfield works perfectly with the Power Converter.

    The problem is that I don't want to have one of those mods added just to make this work.
    My friend (who's really into OpenComputers) and I (who's really into Botania) really wanted to challenge ourselves by having our computers powered by Mana on our server.

    Is this possible? Is there something I could do myself? Or am I going to 'need' to add one of the recommended mods?

    Thanks in advance

  3. Hello!


    I discovered this mod not long ago and I'd love to try it out.

    I don't really (like to) use any mods that generate power and I saw you could turn off the need for energy/power in the config file.


    Can someone help me with which things I need to config and to what values they need to be set?

    I was expecting there was a simple true/false I could change but this is kind of confusing to me. Am I missing something?


    This would also be kind of a suggestion to add a simple true/false config in there.



    (Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask for this)

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