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Posts posted by EEVV

  1. Not much to add to what has already been said, just to make it a bit clearer via an analogy: you're basically complaining that the Fusion Reactor is too complicated to build after jumping into ReactorCraft and having no experience with RotaryCraft whatsoever ;-)

    While the wiki tends to be slightly out of date, it's not remotely as bad as you make it out to be. EEPROMs are simply a relatively recent addition to the mod, so there's not much on it in the wiki yet. The wiki also relies on people actually adding info to it; I'm afraid I simply don't have the time and endurance to develop the mod *and* keep every nook and cranny of the wiki up-to-date, in addition to ingame documentation and so on. I'm still hoping answering questions on IRC and the forums will finally trickle down by someone documenting what they learned in the wiki... :P



    Ok thanks sangar, I'm sorry if it personnally offended you, but seeing how i pretty much don't understand anything, and the wiki is really hard to use for me. I might add to the wiki, some video tutorials, but they will be basic, I pretty much trying to hop from basic-end to advanced-beginning, but it is super hard, first of because the lua manual provides hard examples, something like


    for i=1,10 do

     print("Hello World!")



    It just basically provides irrelevent functions or commands, which in-turn makes everything seem harder to learn, It's like they expect you to know some coding and tries to carry or forward that knowledge to lua, but I don't know any programming languages, only python (well knew...) and javscript...

    Anyway can I have that documentation please? The in-game one, just link it if you can or any other member of this forums reading this.


    Thank you for reading my reply.

  2. Small tip: there are a few places in-game where you can find documentation as well. First of all checking an item's NEI usage page will have one page with a general description, and a second one with a Lua API reference, if any. For components you can also check their API from the interactive Lua prompt:

    lua> component = require("component")
    lua> component.eeprom
    ... a list of all EEPROM methods ...

    Not entirely. EEPROMs only have access to Lua's built-in functions and a few core OC APIs, a full list can be found on the wiki's tutorial on writing custom operating systems. (That list might indeed be a little out of place there.)


    By default it just downloads the normal Lua BIOS to the EEPROM chip, which you can also do via crafting. In a drone that won't be of much use though, because (IIRC) they don't support screens and keyboards.


    Well you did choose possibly the most complicated part of OC to try and learn. EEPROMs are not easy to use, that's why there's OpenOS to let you write programs more easily using its higher-level APIs. If you want to program an EEPROM you need to do a lot of things yourself that the OS would otherwise do for you, so don't expect it to be very straightforward. I understand that the lack of tutorials on the matter doesn't help, but if this isn't your cup of tea then maybe ComputerCraft is indeed the better choice for you. No one is forcing you to use OC, so if you don't like it there's nothing stopping you from switching to CC instead.


    The forums are also a good place to ask for help. ;) OT discussion here happens in a separate subforum, so you can skip it if you don't like it.


    Ok thanks! I picked drones because I love them, but seeing as they are super limited gives me no choice, but to leave drones behind and mark them as -- unusable.


    I did focus on just computers, using server, using servers was super cool :) just because of servers I want to ditch cc and go for oc, but I will still use CC as it has bit more addons, and I would like to use the phones or pocket computer's gps function, if rednet would work then it would be awesome!


    Thank you for your replies!

  3. So i want to make a drone, and I did make a basic program but since sangar said it's low level api you need to use different functions than normal.


    I want to know how to do while true do on a drone, and also get gps position, but not with navigation because that's limited!


    So please, if anyone can, then help me!

  4. Let me start, by striking at the wikis most weakest and least updated spots, or should I say oc's weakest spots?

    YES, I am talking about the documentation!

    This is why computer craft wins over open computers for me! OC has barely any documentation, would like more examples on the wiki. So I was looking how to eeprom, lets check the wiki, couldn't find anything... Ok irc time;

    So upon entering irc I ask how to eeprom my drone, and is it in the same syntax and so on, (btw still not sure if it uses the same apis!) so that led me to this pathetic, time consuming, horrible goose chase where I get help which was not needed, in the end I only received little of information on my 1.5hour 'journey'. All I found out was a flash program, which says that it "holds the power to bend eeproms to its will!!! or reflash it" so I downloaded this "program" flashed a eeprom, put it in my drone, used the client to talk to the drone. And by "talk" I mean nothing happened, if you type anything then you basically get a *beep* and if no-one understands, the computer is basically telling you to f***k off.

    With me standing and then knee-ing down thinking of what my destiny is on this journey was surely not to waste my time but to learn how to eeprom!

    A kind russian guy was helping me all that time, linked me to "How to make your own os" you should seriously put an "Advanced" prefix next to it, because I didnt under stand crap.

    All time - consumption could have been avoided with a simple documentation and a nice example with some chocolate and the end - BUT NO, why get documentations or tutorials how to learn something like french when you can just babble sh*t out ? That is bassically what the wiki is saying to me.

    I first used OC like 1.5 years ago, since the beginning I loved it, but when I want to learn something it's just a brick wall between what you want to know. OC for me quickly was destroyed by CC and it's documentation, if I want something, It is there on the wiki goose-free. And that was why I like CC.

    It's realism quickly killed the experience using it.

    OC was quickly killed because of the documentation.

    It like having 4 Nvidia gtx black Titan Z but no drivers or just nouveu drivers for it on ubuntu. That glorious 4000 fps can quickly become 25 fps.

    OC is awesome hidden behind a wall of guardians, and them to let through, you have to have knowledge. Knowledge that is unobtainable, you can only have but a tiny peak at it, only to release that you don't understand it. - That is basically what is with me and OC right now. Except that the guards are basically people on irc not wanting to share their knowledge about open computers. And that sucks, everything there is off-topic. It's like when you ask for help - most of them will look at you like your an idiot, you came to the wrong place - and some help you, it takes time, but they do.

    Open Computers could quickly become powerful with a decent wiki, but until then, I will be standing near the guards, waiting for that rare book, that contains the information.

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