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Everything posted by EEVV

  1. Cool! I might use this, but the lack of documentation makes me sad yet again. I will not know how to use this
  2. Ok thanks sangar, I'm sorry if it personnally offended you, but seeing how i pretty much don't understand anything, and the wiki is really hard to use for me. I might add to the wiki, some video tutorials, but they will be basic, I pretty much trying to hop from basic-end to advanced-beginning, but it is super hard, first of because the lua manual provides hard examples, something like for i=1,10 do print("Hello World!") end It just basically provides irrelevent functions or commands, which in-turn makes everything seem harder to learn, It's like they expect you to know some coding
  3. Ok thanks! I picked drones because I love them, but seeing as they are super limited gives me no choice, but to leave drones behind and mark them as -- unusable. I did focus on just computers, using server, using servers was super cool just because of servers I want to ditch cc and go for oc, but I will still use CC as it has bit more addons, and I would like to use the phones or pocket computer's gps function, if rednet would work then it would be awesome! Thank you for your replies!
  4. So i want to make a drone, and I did make a basic program but since sangar said it's low level api you need to use different functions than normal. I want to know how to do while true do on a drone, and also get gps position, but not with navigation because that's limited! So please, if anyone can, then help me!
  5. Let me start, by striking at the wikis most weakest and least updated spots, or should I say oc's weakest spots? YES, I am talking about the documentation! This is why computer craft wins over open computers for me! OC has barely any documentation, would like more examples on the wiki. So I was looking how to eeprom, lets check the wiki, couldn't find anything... Ok irc time; So upon entering irc I ask how to eeprom my drone, and is it in the same syntax and so on, (btw still not sure if it uses the same apis!) so that led me to this pathetic, time consuming, horrible goose chase where I ge
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