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About Karasuro

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    Junior Member
  • Birthday 02/11/1994

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  • Minecraft

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  1. I'm only receiving the last line from the file in my table so there's only 1 entry?
  2. So I have tables in a text file. 1 line per table so that when I read from the file using var:lines() and put each line into a table in the program, they are accessible. However, now I have a table of strings that looks like this: "{user = "ADMIN", pass = "ADMIN", settings = {}, admin = true}," "{user = "KARASURO", pass = "TEST", settings = {} }" What would be the best way to get these tables from the file without them being strings? (How does one table a string?)
  3. Well, it works! it has a few graphical glitches and is a little slow even with a maxed creative build but it works. Requirements: Touch compatible screen 384K+ RAM Any graphics card will work. Tier 2+ CPU or APU recommended. Controls: R = Reset Simulation.. Space = Pause/Play simulation. Up/Down arrows = Increase/Decrease Speed. Left/Right arrows = Increase/Decrease Grid Size. Backspace = Exit Simulation. WARNING!! Due to graphical glitching, rapid screen flashing WILL occur. If you suffer from epilepsy, DO NOT RUN THIS PROGRAM. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Code:
  4. I changed it so it won't use Elses at all, instead it runs through each IF then just returns TRUE.
  5. So, I'm going to try and make a rogue-like dungeon crawler but I seem to have an issue with screen locking. Basically, when you press an arrow key, the event handler runs the function below, through an if statement, and if true moves the player in that direction. sH and sW are values from gpu.getResolution(). However, if it is false then it should just skip the if statement entirely. Or am I wrong? Entire Program:
  6. Karasuro


    Yeah, I don't know why I went in and added the [""] to the tables. I guess I wasn't really thinking at the time. XP Brain process was string instead of variable. Also, I was looking for a better way to make the buttons array. That helps me out a lot! However, I'll need to figure out an algorith for pitch.. the scale is F# Major (F#3 - F#5) This may also allow me to implement a setScale() function and instead of using note blocks just use computer.beep(). Larger range and note durration support. ;P The original design had speed variation hence the tempo and dt variables. Also I ne
  7. Karasuro


    Hello! Karasuro here. I just downloaded OpenComputers recently and have been testing things out. Here is my first program I've written in OC and it needs lots of improvement and optimization but at least it works. Note: You may need a high-end computer for this to work. I made it using Teir 3 everything. (Creative Mode) Also you will need to hook up a note block. Now checks the resolution of the system before changing it's local resolution. Returns to the previous resolution upon exit. To-Do: Add variable tempo. Switch to Computer.beep() for extra pitch support. Add variable scale
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