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About ShadyChirp

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  1. Now, I have been bugging the forum the last few days.. But there are a few things I just can't figure out on my own. Neither can I find it on youtube etc. So my question is: What is the best method when drawing e.g an Icon on screen? And how may I design that icon myself? When I tried PaintPlus I couldn't save because it would give me an error and halt the program. So..?
  2. After fiddling around for some time i finally got it to work You see, it wouldn't set the color, so that the box always was colored black.. I fixed it by referring to my wished color with a number: local colors = require "colors" local component = require "component" local gpu = component.gpu gpu.setForeground(1, true) gpu.setBackground(1, true) gpu.fill(1, 1, 10, 10, "x") os.sleep(1) So, as you see, the part where i specify the colors is different. But anyway, you have helped me alot! Wouldn't have figured this out without you (I also set 'IsPaletteIndex' t
  3. Hmm... I seem to be having some trouble here.. I can't get it to fill the screen.... It only throws back an error message..
  4. Thank you, that just made my day ;D
  5. So, I have just recently gotten into OpenComputers, after using CC for a long time. But something that I have noticed, that has been bugging me alot, is that I can't draw squares of different shapes and colors. Also I have been struggling to change the background color when running my program. Are there any integrated commands for this, or do I have to write a long snippet of code? To make my point clear, I will give an example, as written in computercraft: term.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray) also, term.setTextColor(colors.orange) and: paintutils.drawFilledBox(1,1,10,10,colors.whi
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