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[Program Suggestions]


  1. LUA Editor+ (similar to the newest Computercraft (Advance Computer) Editor

(For programmers in opencomputer program makers) Windows (Windows-95 or 98) based Operating system A User Friendly type of OS which isn't like OpenOS or MS-DOS (command prompt) A GUI for all of the list of programs available A Explorer GUI for searching and exploring system files A Settings to switch users, to change resolution, to manage devices, or to update OS A Consumer Grade type of OS (non-in-game programmer). Only using available apps in the internet and built in A Pastebin for just pasting or entering the code and downloading some apps

3D Printer Program A Program to create a custom 3D Items, or Block and to print it. Like a Hologram Program, creating hologram with help of GUI and displaying command and module for consumer type of players

Stress Tester Why not use a stress tester in which you can test various or all of the components, and command and even program to test some bugs and error within the program

Games or Entertainment (ComputerCraft based)

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3 answers to this question

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1. Lua is not an acronym. With that said, that could be pretty cool.

2. Look for something called MineOS. It kinda does what you say but it's more based around Mac OS X aesthetically.

3. This is an exercise left to the reader.

4. This would be useful. It's the sort of thing you'd put on a loot disk.

5. There's a competition on right now. You should have your entry done by about the 20th of July. As for you specifically, you should have a go at this - it doesn't have to be a technical masterpiece, just have a go at it, it might be really fun.

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1. Lua is not an acronym. With that said, that could be pretty cool.

2. Look for something called MineOS. It kinda does what you say but it's more based around Mac OS X aesthetically.

3. This is an exercise left to the reader.

4. This would be useful. It's the sort of thing you'd put on a loot disk.

5. There's a competition on right now. You should have your entry done by about the 20th of July. As for you specifically, you should have a go at this - it doesn't have to be a technical masterpiece, just have a go at it, it might be really fun.

2. MineOS is currently down for now...Windows would be better :)

5. Okay, i dont have anything knowledge about programming... 

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5. Okay, i dont have anything knowledge about programming... 

That explains the "Windows would be better". ;) Trust me, if you program on Windows long enough, you'll find that it's terrible for programming. Okay, that's true for *every* system that you work with long enough, but Windows is worse than most Unix-based systems. I'm talking about the underlying operating system, not the user interface. A "good UI" is very subjective. ;)

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