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OpenComputers v1.3.4

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Version 1.3.4 is now available. Again, for the most part bugfixes, with a few additions and changes.

As always, remember to make a backup of your world before updating.


Download for MC1.6.4

Download for MC1.7.10

  • Added: cables can now be dyed. Differently colored cables will not connect. Light gray cables (default color) will connect to all cables.
  • Added: hologram projectors can now be rotated around the Y axis by whacking them with a wrench.
  • Added: highlights in GUIs to indicate which items can go into which slots based on what is hovered.
  • Change: maximum robot complexity is now determined by both the case tier and the CPU tier; component limit set to a fixed, high value. This should make it impossible to build robots that don't work because they have too many components.
  • Change: improved bandwidth efficiency of screen updates a bit more.
  • Change: slightly changed recipes for redstone block and nav upgrade.
  • Fixed: worlds being leaked when leaving a single player game.
  • Fixed: adapter block behavior in a few peculiar cases.
  • Fixed: memory leaks inside the sandbox (as in: OpenOS could run out of memory, not MC itself).
  • Fixed: some recipes not using oredict entries.
  • Fixed: some more small things.
  • [MC1.7] Fixed: Updated MFR RedNet API.
  • [MC1.7] Fixed: GregTech recipe set. I think.
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Sangar you sneaky bastard!! There is a very subtle yet powerful addition in the 1.3.4 update! check spoiler below > :)


Yup. No, I'm not trolling. Look up Tablet Case in NEI or creative OC tab.

Components are limited to teir 2 and you can even have some robot upgrades, although im not sure how to use them! JUST found this not 10 minutes ago!

NOTE: There is no way to load a floppy to the hard drive from the tablet itself. It is created in the assembler like a robot and cannot be fitted with a floppy drive so you must load a boot-able image or install openOS on the hard disk on another computer before you start the assembler!

Start writing them ftp servers boys and girls!!

Sangar I think I love you. Have my children, or at least keep up the good work :P

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Sangar you sneaky bastard!!

Heh, yeah, they're still experimental, so no big fanfare just yet ;) There are quite a few things that still need doing, such as making them use energy, and probably make them insertable into disk drives to allow charging them and editing their file systems.

can it have wireless network?

Yes, that's one of the few cards/upgrades that actually work :P


Mine was working fine. Do you have WAILA? That was crashing me whenever I placed a screen even in 1.3.3

Hmm, MC1.6 or 1.7? I did some fixing for 1.7 in 1.3.4, and it worked fine when I tested it.
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Heh, yeah, they're still experimental, so no big fanfare just yet ;) There are quite a few things that still need doing, such as making them use energy, and probably make them insertable into disk drives to allow charging them and editing their file systems.

Yes, that's one of the few cards/upgrades that actually work :P


Hmm, MC1.6 or 1.7? I did some fixing for 1.7 in 1.3.4, and it worked fine when I tested it.


I haven't added WAILA back in since i updated to 1.3.4 but i was struggling to find out what was crashing me while making a 1.7 pack until i realized that whenever I placed a screen I crashed. Then I realized after dumping mod after mod to compare compatibility with OC, it was WAILA  popping up as soon as I placed a screen and failing to look up the block correctly, or some such error.

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Heh, yeah, they're still experimental, so no big fanfare just yet ;) There are quite a few things that still need doing, such as making them use energy, and probably make them insertable into disk drives to allow charging them and editing their file systems.



docking station... a docking station... so that you can sit your tablet down and poke it while it recharges and reclines at a nice angle...


[ i just like to make extra work for you :) ]


when you say that the projectors can be rotate about the Y axis... that doesn't a. work for me - i've hit them with several wrenches ... or b.  make sense... well, it makes conceptual sense, but isn't the Y axis the vertical up down, so rotating about that axis is just, well, the same as making hologram voxel(1,1,1) >  (48,1,1)  >  (48,1,48)  and is nothing more than a translation within the voxelmap itself, etc or am i misunderstanding that... 


edit: aha, it does work... i had to use an IC2 wrench... i don't really use IC2 ever these days... the crescent hammer is my "wrench for all seasons" though, and that didn't work when i hit it... and now i see it is just about the Y axis... and i presume therefore is just a proof of concept [as i still can't see a use for that - other than having a robot underneath hitting it every 2 second to make a nice "rotating hologram" effect - which goes nice with my up and down offset thingumy :) ]


edit2: righty... i now have a robot underneath hitting it with a wrench... and having it bob up and down and rotate is... well... interesting :)

this is going to make me run out of wrenches/bronze very quickly though, since the IC2 ones have damage... 


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Well, I'm using the BC wrench interface. I've added a note on my todo list to also check for CoFH's `IToolHammer`.

And yeah, it's basic because that was the only easy thing to do right now, but much requested (because people don't wnat to / know how to rotate their holograms in code).

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Indeed, arbitrary rotation of holograms is something I'd like to have in the long run, but I'll need to rewrite / adjust the logic how I handle rotatable blocks right now for that, which I don't have the time to do right now, so that was the best stop-gap solution for now :)

(It's currently geared towards screens, where rotating around, say the X axis, will, as soon as it comes into the horizontal again force it to face "up" again, so it basically doesn't allow for "sideways" or "top down" blocks atm.)

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